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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sexual Performance and Exercise - Does Exercise Improve Sexual Performance?

When it comes to adding a boost to your sexual life, starting a cardio training program is the way to go. Not only that cardio workouts are the perfect training recipe for shedding weight, improving stamina and endurance level; they're also ideal for charging up your sexual experience and making it more pleasant and enjoyable. Therefore, if getting into the best shape of your life is not a big motivator for you to start cardio training, what about improving your sexual life?
However, many people are bent no to see how cardio training-or any other form of exercise-leads to better sexual life. For that, here are some of the ways that regular exercise lead-directly or indirectly-to better sexual experience and stamina the in bedroom.
Cardio Improves Endurance
One thing that most people agree on is that cardio training is the best training tool for improving endurance. Workouts programs such as running, cycling or swimming are cardiovascular exercises per excellence. On the other hand, good sexual performance requires a basic level of endurance, otherwise you won't last much in the bedroom-especially if your partner is young and wild. Luckily, you can improve on the facet of your sexual life by taking up cardio on a regular basis. Good stamina is the back-bone of healthy life and performance, whether in the board-room or the bed-room.
Cardio Makes You Feel Sexier
According to most studies conducted on sexual problems and self-image issues, the healthier and the fitter the person, the more likely he is going to enjoy a better sexual experience. In addition, people who exercise on a regular basis have, for the most part, a better self-image and sexual attitude over sedentary people. Therefore, the more you exercise, the confident you get, and the sexier you feel. All this lead to being eager to have more sex and enjoying it even more.
Cardio Reduces Erectile Dysfunction
For a man, erectile dysfunction can bring sexual performance to a permanent halt. Add to that the psychological scars that leave most men with mental and intimacy issues. No one wants to be that guy who just couldn't "bring it". Luckily, many studies have linked high rates of erectile dysfunction with people leading sedentary lifestyle.
The dreadful condition is caused, for the most part, by circulatory problems. Any cardiovascular problem or irregularity such as high blood pressure, blocked arteries can increase the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, cardio training improves circulation and fights off most heart-related diseases, thus reducing the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Too Much Cardio
Doing cardio 24/7 won't make out of you a sex god. Right on the contrary, do too much exercise, then expect troubles in the sex department. In fact, overtraining leads to a myriad of health problems such as weight gain, fatigue, loss of sexual appetite, insomnia, chronics injuries. The list goes on.
As result, moderation is key. Make sure to take ample recovery-especially after a hard training session. The best way to do so is to space out your training days with an off day. Doing so ensures recovery and help keep the nightmare of overtraining at bay.

Aerobics and Fat Loss

Starting an aerobics program has many benefits, one of which is that an aerobics program can help you burn fat in ways that are easier on your body, and usually more permanent, than dieting. One of the reasons it's very simple to burn fat using aerobics as exercise is that there are many ways for you to train your body to do the work involved in this sort of training. This helps you to get the most out of the training program that you are doing. For those who need to work on their cardiovascular health, aerobics can be a good way to begin. However, always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
The human heart beats approximately 60-80 times per minute at rest, and with every beat sends a volume of blood, along with oxygen and many other life-sustaining nutrients, circulating through your body.
Oxygen consumption and muscles
Oxygen is key because, once inside the muscle, it's used to burn fat and carbohydrates for fuel to keep our engines running. When your muscles consume oxygen efficiently, the more fuel you will burn. The more fuel you can burn, the more fit you can become. And the more fit you become, the longer you can exercise. As you bring new blood and oxygen into all of your body systems, you are going to find that you are giving yourself the best chance to really get rid of all that unwanted fat. Working hard to burn fat is something that you can finally take control of when you are doing aerobics on a regular basis.
All of the body's systems work hard to maintain body functions at a normal rate, and as you work harder your heart will have to work harder in order supply your muscles with more blood, and, thus, more oxygen. A hard working heart naturally means your lungs work harder in order to provide your heart with the oxygen that it needs to keep pumping. The circulating of the blood also carries much needed nutrients to the body's organs.
All of these factors are going to work in tandem to create a situation in which you are getting the most out of your entire work out. When all of these systems are working together, you'll find that you are much stronger than you thought you would be. Additionally, because your body is working harder you will notice that you are burning more and more fat since your body needs to burn more in order to keep moving and operate at a higher level. Luckily for you, this energy is in the stored pockets of fat that you have in your body. All of these things are going to happen quickly, and you will find that you are much better off the more you start to work out using aerobics more often.
For a good aerobic work-out, watch this video:
This isn't just about a program or a "system." It's about a lifestyle. The exercise and diet that you implement should all be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't look for that "magic" pill or that perfect system. Most fad diets fail. Your mind should be set on doing what you have to do to live a healthy, more productive lifestyle.
Learn as much as you can about what foods to eat and what exercises to do. You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for a trainer or nutritionist. There are many resources out there so use them.
For more help and practical health related information, visit

Spiritual Fitness

On television and radio, infomercials on weight loss, are aired daily. To get the beach body you want for the summer, commercials and magazine advertisements begin popping up during the holiday season. Slim and muscular actors/actresses are paid by sponsors to educate us on what to eat, drink, and the best type of workout equipment to use. They make claims that buying these items will give you the same bodies, as they.
But, have you ever thought about what it takes to get your spiritual man fit? It also takes the same, if not more dedication and effort to live a healthy Christian lifestyle. Food and liquids are not the temptation in this plight. Sin, is the cause of a believer's spiritual weight gain. The negative things we partake of become stumbling blocks to our spiritual well-being.
What are the differences between physical and spiritual fitness?
Physical Fitness
A state of physiologic wellbeing, achieved through a combination of good diet, regular physical exercise, and other practices that promotes good health.
Spiritual Fitness
A state of spiritual wellbeing, achieved through faith that comes only by meditating on the Word of God, daily. The study of His sacred word helps the believer to become spiritually strong and fit to conquer any task set before them.
Training our physical bodies cannot help us with life's challenges and struggles. There are invisible hurdles placed before each of us that only spiritual strength can help us cross. Life, within itself is far more difficult than a marathon, because it is ongoing. Only studying the Word of God can prepare us for this journey. The Hebrew writer advises us to lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily overwhelm us (Hebrews 12:1-2). Sin causes us to pack on the spiritual pounds. Hatred, envy, prejudice, jealousy, malice, and backbiting are excess weights that prevent us from reaching our spiritual potential.
You are not alone in your spiritual weight loss quest. The people you encounter and interact with from day to day struggle with the same challenges, as you. Only some are striving to obtain a corruptible body (tone and sleek) that will return to the dust from whence it came. And Christian's seek to achieve a glorified body that will one day return to their heavenly Father.

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Sunday 24 February 2013

What Is Your Body Shape? Do You Have an Apple a Pear or an Hourglass Figure


Rounded easily stores fat and maybe with large frame and medium to large joints
If you are working hard and sticking to a diet but still struggling to lose body fat you are probably an endomorph. This body type is usually a person with a slow metabolism who often stores fat easily especially around the abdomen and chest area. They are usually large framed with medium to large joints, but not always as they can be small framed too.
If you are this body type you may have a sensitivity to carbohydrates and might be resistant to insulin. You would be best to avoid high carbohydrate diets especially refined and processed carbohydrates containing white sugar and white flour and lets face it that is the food you are probably most drawn to and may even crave the most. The reason for this is because these particular foods tend to be able to convert to body fat much more rapidly in an endomorphic than any other body shape.
However if you want to change your shape and start losing that extra body fat from around your middle then you will need to stick to a low or moderate carbohydrate diet with a much higher protein content. You may not necessarily need to go on a low GI or Atkins style diet but curb the amount of carbohydrates you have at each meal and as snacks during the day.
Another option would be to think of your plate and divide it mentally into sections like a pie chart and I don't meant the banana cream sort either. Imagine your plate is two thirds full of fresh healthy vegetables and then divide the other third into Protein and Carbohydrates. Give your plate a higher portion of protein and less of carbohydrates as some the vegetables may have a naturally occurring starchy level. Your body needs a small amount of fat but so use olive oil for cooking in small amounts.
Also be aware that many of your friends might be able to cheat from time to time on their diets and still be able to lose weight. Unfortunately you are in the bracket where even a small cheat will show up as fat on your body. I know life can be unfair like that but Heh get over it. If you want to take charge of your life and your shape then you will just need to accept your shape and work with it not against it. If you must cheat on your diet (after all we are human ) then return to your plan immediately afterwards and don't spiral out of control. Try not to make cheating a regular occurrence as your body shape is rather unforgiving.
And I know this is probably not what you want to hear but you will have to be extremely disciplined nutritionally speaking and you will need to exercise regularly in order to boost your metabolism as dieting alone will really be a slow process in getting rid of your body fat.
The best form of exercise for this body type will be cardio and aerobic type exercises. Check with your Doctor before starting any exercise programme.
If you are extremely overweight with this body shape start slowly with gentle cardio such as walking, climbing stairs, leg squats then gradually work your way up to full blown aerobic exercises such as running, hill climbing, and dancing.
Make sure that you never starve yourself, if possible try to eat 6 smaller meals a day or 3 meals and 3 healthy snacks and drink plenty of water during the day. If you skip meals or try to eat too little you will only slow your metabolism down further and that is the opposite of what you are trying to achieve.
The Look of an Endomorphic
Endomorphs have high body fat levels and may well be overweight or possibly obese. Often with big boned frames and large to medium joints but not always.
This body type often has short tapered arms and very rounded body shape (either apple or pear shape) with fat tending to stick around the middle, abdomen, waist, hips or chest.
People with this shape have the hardest job of losing weight and keeping it off and if a regular exercise programme is not kept up then they will often regain the weight and more besides and will feel tired, lacking energy and sluggish.
But don't give up before you start as a healthy weight loss is achievable and maintainable if you persevere. Go for a diet that is higher in protein and lower in carbs which you may actually find more filling for longer than a diet that is higher in carbs.
Keep active daily, increase the amount of exercise you do gradually and resist the natural inclination to sit down for most of the day. Remember even if you only lose 1lb per week compared to some of your friends remember that 1 lb per week loss equates to 52 lbs per year.
(Generally thin and wiry and usually have problems gaining weight)
By contrast to the Endomorph the Ectomorphic usually tends to be lean and slightly muscled. They often have extreme problems with gaining weight or bulking up and gaining muscle.
For men this may mean that they find great difficulty in building their bodies to obtaining maximum muscle mass and are unlikely to be in the Mr Universe category. This does not mean that they are weak or puny by any means but they may find it hard to gain weight and bulk up their bodies.
For women with this body shape the problems are a bit different as they will often be thin and may be straight and narrow rather than curvaceous. They may have smaller breasts and narrow hips and their waist may not be as well defined giving them an almost boyish look. This is the opposite of the look that many of them desire as they often want to be curvy and womanly. On the plus side they probably can eat what they want and never have to worry about gaining a pound in weight which most Endomorph would envy.
To help change the ectomorphic body type this body will need a high calorie diet and would benefit from weightlifting and muscle building exercise regimes. This does not mean to say that they will need to rush out and eat high fat over processed junk food. On the contrary they will still need to follow a healthy diet but they will need to increase the percentage of calorie intake. Increase the size of your portions and eat more frequently if you are in this body group. Some suggest that eating at night prior to going to sleep is useful to this body type too.
Avoid Aerobic and Cardio exercise routines that are designed to burn fat, instead concentrate on weight lifting and weight training exercises and work slowly gradually increasing the heaviness of the weights used over time also stop regularly and take frequent breaks from exercising. The gym is a good place to go for the type of exercise equipment that you will need. You can also do bench presses, push ups, squats and other muscle building exercises.
Most of all be patient as this type of exercise will take time to increase the mass of your muscles and is not going to happen overnight.
Many Ectomorphs like to supplement their diet with protein supplements, shakes and meal replacement drinks, but be very careful and check with your doctor before embarking on any supplements or weight training exercise programmes.
This type of body tends to be more in proportion tend to put weight on evenly all over the body
The Mesomorphic is probably the luckiest of all the body shapes as they tend to be in proportion and often with a well defined body shape. Weight gain is usually evenly distributed and less likely to be concentrated in one place.
For woman this may mean an hour glass figure where the upper body hips and thigh bones are well defined and thick giving a curvy look. If weight is put on they still keep their womanly shape but become much more voluptuous and the curves become more accentuated so hips, breasts, thighs, legs, arms, neck, tummy and waist all gain fat but in proportion as opposed to the endomorph whose fat will gather more in one particular place such as hips or tummy.
For men this may be a more athletic look with natural muscle defined shape, broad shoulders and strong abdomen, a very sporty look.
For both men and women this is the luckiest shape to be as weight loss is easier to achieve and results show quickly.
Most exercise routines and diet programmes will suit this body shape as fat will be lost evenly all over the body. I would even say that the best routines will be the general all over exercise routine that incorporates every part of the body rather than exercise that target specific areas.
So What Does All This Mean To You?
Firstly work out which body shape best describes you or which traits you have more of in the above types. Work out a diet and exercise routine that is shape appropriate to you and will be most effective.
Just remember that whatever body shape you are it is genetic and you can only change so much, so do the best you can with the shape you have been given and be Happy with your body.
You can not change a Shetland Pony into a Cart Horse or a Cart Horse into a Race Horse so accept the body type you have and work with it to achieve the best that you can.
If you find that when you have reached your goals you still don't have the body of your dreams then change the image in your dreams to suit your body type. You can also dress appropriately for your shape to hide some areas and accentuate others to make the best of yourself.
Keeping fit and healthy is the most important thing here regardless to your body shape even if that does mean a little more work for some body types than others.
A Pratley Is an internet marketer and copy writer as well as a social media marketing consultant and has written content for many websites and also articles for ezine. Currently writing on behalf of who aim to inspire others to lose weight and change their lifestyle to a healthier one.

What Is The Best Way To Build Muscle Fast?

It is not a question that is easily answered because the muscle building process is not something that happens overnight. If you read something or buy something that says it will make you huge virtually overnight then it is completely untrue and you have wasted your time and money.
There are a number of factors that go towards building muscle and exploding your growth. When trying to answer the question, what is the best way to build muscle fast here are some of the most important factors to consider:
How to build muscle fast factor 1: Diet Before you will see any real results in the gym you first need to ensure you feed your body the right fuels to get the job done. Take any analogy you like, your body is like a car, it runs very poorly if you put in the wrong fuel and it may not run at all.
Most people know that protein is the primary fuel when it comes to building muscle but how much to eat and what is often the problem.
You may have heard the theory of "you have to eat big to get big". Do not believe it, it is completely wrong, it's a very unhealthy approach and may end up doing you more damage than good. Yes you may get the required levels of protein to build muscle if you adopt this method, but you also over-consume the amount of fats, carbohydrates and sugars which will lead to rapid weight gain (fat not muscle) and an incredible strain placed on your digestive system.
Instead, the correct and healthy way to feed your body for maximum muscle growth is to eat less more often and to eat foods that are high in protein and low in saturated fats and sugars. Carbohydrates are OK as long as they are consumed in moderation and you burn them up with exercise.
Eating less more often means instead of eating 3 big meals a day, you eat 6 smaller meals at closer intervals and drink plenty of water.
By doing this you will keep your metabolism higher which will give you more energy and you will provide constant nutrition to your body and importantly, your muscles.
How to build muscle fast factor 2: Rest and Overtraining
 Most muscle growth occurs outside the gym and that is why rest is so important. When you train with weights you cause microscopic tears to the muscle tissue. If you do not allow time between workouts for your muscles to repair the damage and grow, then you overtrain and can completely tear or rupture the muscle.
Performing a targeted arms workout (for example) three times a week will not make you grow muscle. Instead you will overtrain the muscle, become weaker because the muscle is not repairing and if you continue, you will risk permanent muscle damage.
You should structure your workout routine to ensure you give each muscle group adequate rest between sessions.
How to build muscle fast factor 3: Dedication and Attitude The danger with people who ask "what is the best way to build muscle fast" is that they are looking for a quick fix or immediate results and don't realise that building real, long-lasting muscle takes more than just a few weeks of effort. It requires dedication and the right attitude to keep pushing yourself.
If you don't have the dedication, commitment or desire to follow the program as it is laid out for you, then I guarantee you will quit inside 3 months. If you want to build muscle fast and develop a body you are proud of then make sure you have the right attitude and you are dedicated to achieving this goal!
So where to from here? Well if you feel that you can address these three factors then I suggest you visit for more free information.
Paul James is the author of 4 eBooks including the latest: Simple Muscle: Insider Secrets To Fast Muscle Gains and has been weight training and body building for over 10 years. He is a respected source when it comes to drug free muscle development. His Simple Muscle Workout System provides you with the advanced techniques required to maximise your muscle growth and double your gains regardless of your age, gender or genetics. All without the use of drugs or supplements. Visit [] for more free articles and information.

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Lower Blood Sugar Levels and good food

I think one of the worst things I have ever heard from my doctor was,"I think you should start giving yourself an insulin injection each night at bedtime". Six years prior to that I had been told that I was a diabetic. That wasn't too easy to absorb either, but the thought of giving myself an injection every night was devastating to me. I had always told people that there was no way I could stick a needle into my stomach or my leg, and now it became necessary to do just that. I wasn't afraid to get an injection, but the thought of doing it myself was hard to comprehend. The first three nights I talked my wife into doing it for me, but, she refused to help me after the third night. I had to do it myself!
In the years after that, my injections had larger doses of insulin. At some point in time, I asked my doctor how could I get off the injections and he advised me that I would have to change my diet and exercise more. Wow! I am a person that loves to eat, and I really wasn't that much over weight. The main factor here was the idea of the daily injections. It was at that time that my life changed and took a turn for the better.
I changed my style of eating and went on what most people would consider a chlorestrol diet. I had plenty to eat and to my surprise, I did not get hungry between meals. I suppose it was because I ate four times a day instead of three and the foods I ate seemed to satisfy my hunger desires. I slowed my alcohol consumption.
I absolutely hate to exercise, so I took an alternate route. Instead of parking near work, I parked at another business approximately a block away. When shopping, I would park at the far end of the parking lot instead of near the door. Instead of having the kids walk the dog, I decided to do it while they were doing their home work for school.. The results were amazing.
The first month, I found that I had lost ten pounds. When checking my blood sugar, it had dropped nearly twelve points on the average. This was encouraging! But the story doesn't stop here by any means. After six months, my cholestrol was normal with the good chlorestrol and the bad chlorestrol being balanced as it should be. My blood sugar count had dropped far enough that insulin was no longer needed and my diabetes was being controlled with pills. At this point in my life I feel good, look good, and have good blood pressure. I still take a pill for my diabetes, but I am working hard on getting rid of that crutch.
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Six Pack Abs Diet and Workout Plan

Cut and defined abdominal muscles are the ultimate sign of supreme physical fitness for many. With intelligent training, hard work, discipline and persistent effort you can have cut, six pack abs on a buff body. It does not matter what your current physical condition is; no matter how overweight or out of shape you are, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. There is no excuse for poor genetics. Your genes will not prevent you from having great abdominal muscles. Follow the training and diet info in the following paragraphs and you will definitely develop an impressive physique that is admired by other men and lusted after by women.
Believe in yourself. Before starting any fitness program it is absolutely critical that you get yourself into the right frame of mind. You must believe to succeed. Stay positive with yourself at all times and never give up. If you possess grit and determination along with a never say dive attitude, there is nothing in the world that can stop you from reaching your goals.
You must eat a healthy diet. Without a healthy diet, you can never have six pack abs. No matter how strong or developed your abdominal muscles are, they will be hidden under an unsightly layer of fat if you do not eat properly. Instead of eating a couple of huge meals, try to eat several smaller meals throughout the day. This will provide your body with a constant stream of nutrients and will rev up your metabolism. Concentrate on eating lots of lean protein to help build muscle. Eat chicken breasts, egg whites, turkey breasts and tun fish. If you have difficulty eating enough high-protein foods, you can supplement your diet with high protein shakes. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and veggies provide you with essential vitamins, nutrients, fiber and phyto-chemicals. Avoid drinking high-sugar fruit juices, soda and alcohol. Instead, drink lots of plain water. Drinking a gallon or more of water per day will keep you properly hydrated, help you from feeling hungry and assist you in your quest to get abs fast.
Perform basic compound lifts. Concentrate on basic exercises such as squats, dead lifts, presses and pullups. All of these lifts utilize your core muscles and will help you to develop your abs, as well as your lower back. To isolate your abdominal muscles, perform crunches, reverse crunches, hanging leg raises and machine crunches. When it comes to working your abs, you must keep constant tension and execute all exercises with perfect form. Do not use momentum, use your ab muscles.
Perform aerobic exercise 3 or 4 times per week. Cardiovascular aerobic exercise will burn off excess calories. Shedding fat will enable you to see your fully developed abdominal muscles in all of their glory.
Developing six-pack ab muscles is a real achievement. You will look better than you ever imagined in your wildest dreams. If you work hard, believe in yourself and never give up, nothing is impossible!
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So you think you know everything about your body? The human body is so magnificent that having enough knowledge about it is still not enough! Now we might know that we are made up of 100 trillion cells, 22 internal organs, 600 muscles and 206 bones, but there are some other interesting facts that might amaze you. So here they are:

The human body is so magnificent that having enough knowledge about it is still not enough!

1. Guess your real age
Human life stared with the production of the egg that is 0.2mm in diameter, which is equal to a size of a full stop. The most surprising thing is that the egg from which you developed was produced inside your mother when she was herself an embryo. So consider your existence even before your mother’s birth. For example, if your mother conceived you at the age of 25 and your current age is 20 years than you are existing since 45 years.

2. Tongue Prints
It’s not just your finger prints that make you unique from other human but your tongue has prints too and every individual has a different tongue print.

3. Skin Shedding
The skin is the largest organ of our body, an adult man has skin stretched up to 20sq ft. Humans shed about 1.5 pounds of skin particles every year that makes 600,000 skin particles every hour. So by the age of 70 years an average person will shed up to 105 lb of skin.

4. Babies have more bones than an Adult
It is astonishing but true that a small baby has more bones than an adult. When we start our lives as a baby we have 350 bones, these bones then fuse together when we grow up and in the end we are left with 206 bones.

Human bones are very strong. A solid piece of bone relative to a size of a matchbox can support weight up to 9 tons, that’s 4 times more weight a block of concrete with the similar size can support.

5. Renewed Stomach Lining

An interesting fact is that your stomach’s digestive juices are so strong that it can even dissolve zinc. Fortunate for us, the stomach lining is renewed after every 3 to 4 days because if it wouldn’t the strong acids can digest our stomach as well. When you blush the stomach lining also reddens.

6. 25000 quarts of Saliva Production
On average a person produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime. That’s enough to fill 2 swimming pools.

7. Human and chimpanzee has same number of hair
It would be hard to believe that humans and chimpanzees have equal number of hair on their bodies the only difference is that human hair is so thin and fine that it makes them almost invisible.

8. Number of Sex cells produced in humans
In females, about ½ a million eggs are produced on average out of which only 400 would have the potential to develop into a baby. Men produce 10 million sperms approximately, every day. They are enough to repopulate the earth in 6 months time.

9. 11 days of sleeplessness can kill you
We all know that we can’t survive without food and water, but have you ever wondered for how many days you can live without sleep? You can survive without sleep for eleven days only, after that you will fall asleep forever!

Also our height increases up to 8mm while sleeping. It is assumed that nerds are dreamiest because people with the higher IQ have a higher frequency of dreams.

10. Lungs have 300,000,000 million capillaries
There are over 300, 000 million capillaries inside the lungs, and if you stretch them out end to end they would cover a distance of 1500 miles that is equal to the distance from Seattle to San Diego.

11. Blood travels 60,000 miles
Our blood travels a long road. It is said that take 60 seconds for the blood cells to complete their path. 2,000 gallons of bloods travels a distance of 60,000 miles in the blood vessels. Also with the gain of every single pound of fat, the traveling distance increases up to 7 miles.

12. Our nose can identify 50,000 scents
We might not have as sharp sense of smell as a dog but still our nose can remember 50,000 different scents.

13. Feet can produce a pint of sweat
Did you know that we have 500,000 sweat glands in our feet which can produce sweat equal to a pint, every day? That’s enough to fill two glasses.

14. Eyelash mites
At a later age humans can have eyelash invaders called eyelash mites. These near to transparent mites can grow up to a size of 1/3rd of a millimeter. They are usually present at the base of the eyelash or eyebrow hair and are only visible under a microscope. Why are they found inside human eye? These creatures tend to grow on old skin cells and sebum produced by follicles of human hair.

15. Blondes have the thickest hair
Blondes have the highest volume of hair out of all hair colors. The hair color also helps to determine the thickness of your hair. An average human has 100,000 hair follicles, where blondes have 146,000, black haired people have 110,000 and brown haired have 100,000 follicles. Redheads have the least volume of hair i.e. only 86,000 follicles.

16. Eye movements
The focus muscles of our eyes move 100,000 times in a day, if you compare it to walking it will make 50 miles. We blink 10,000,000 times in a year.

This concludes our fact list for today but there are many more to come.

Chest Workout

Here is a chest workout I did with my friend 2 days ago:

1) Reverse grip bench press to failure supersetted with regular grip bench press to failure -> around 20 reps in total -> 3 supersets

* Make sure to lower the bar slowly, rest 1 second at the bottom, explode up and squeeze 1 to 2 second on top. Remember that you should be controlling the weight, not the weight you.

2) Pec deck machine -> 3 sets .Increasing the weight every set with 5 kg (11 lb) . Dropset on the third set, droppig the weight twice with 15 kg (33 lb) and when you reach failure on the last drop, do a few partial reps to finish it off !

* Make sure you stretch the pecks well at the bottom and squeeze again when you are bringing them together.

3) Incline Dumbbell press supersetted with incline dumbbell press palms facing each other and bringing the dumbbels together -> 3 supersets

* Get a good stretch on the bottom of the first press and squeeze your inner pecks on top of the second exercise ( you should be feeling an extreme burn on the second execise if done correctly )

4) Chest press machine supersetted with cable flyes -> 3 supersets
Negative reps on the third set of the press. Perform the cable flyes slowly and correct, fill the pecs with blood !

* Again Make sure to lower the weight slowly, rest 1 second at the bottom, explode up and squeeze 1 to 2 seconds on top (mind-muscle connection, remember that you should be training chest not triceps, front delts...

Weight is not important. It's about techique and intensity ;)

Weight Loss for Healthy Living

With endless weight loss options on the market, we are often in a quandary about what strategy to choose. In general, we lose weight by increasing energy expenditure and reducing calorie intake. Despite these benefits, one cannot overlook the adverse side effects of an extremely calorie restricted diet and rigorous workouts. Therefore, while selecting a weight loss program, make sure that the benefits outweigh the risks.
Weight Loss with Diet
Your daily calorie requirement is determined by your age, health condition and level of physical activities. Men and women, between 30 and 50 years of age, accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle need approximately 2200 and 1800 calories respectively each day. People leading a moderately active life can consume 200 extra calories daily. Balancing your daily calorie intake and expenditure helps to prevent weight gain. By consuming 500 fewer calories each day, you can lose up to a pound in a week. However, drastically cutting the daily calorie intake can be harmful for the body. It may cause fatigue, loss of lean muscle mass, depression and malnutrition.
Weight Loss with Exercise
Workouts help to burn the extra calories. People who are new to exercise should gradually increase their physical activity level. On average, 3500 calories should be burned through exercise per day in order to eliminate a pound of fat from the body per week. However, it may take weeks and even months to burn this large amount of calories with low to moderate intensity workouts. Although rigorous workouts can speedily burn the excess calories, they are considered hazardous for the muscles and the joints.
Weight Loss with Whole Body Vibration Exercise
To realize the benefits of workouts without worrying about side effects, you can opt for whole body vibration exercise. The full body workout with the vibration machine helps to exercise the muscles without injuring them. It stretches and contracts all the muscles of your body, providing the benefits of traditional workouts within a short time. Any person regardless of age and health condition can exercise with the vibration machine. Even people immobilized by diseases can sit or lie on the vibration plate, or place their feet on it and enjoy the benefits of workouts.
For the best result, combine a healthy, reduced calorie diet with the whole body vibration exercise. In addition to weight loss, by contracting and stretching the muscles, the full body

vibration workout will improve your muscle tone. The vibration that your body tissues experience while standing or sitting on the machine helps to boost the metabolic rate and burn calories as well as bring life-giving oxygen to all the cells. Given the benefits of full body vibration exercise, fitness experts consider it a very safe and effective option for losing weight.
Are you get rid off doing hard Weight Loss Exercise?. Here we presents CLASSIC home use Vibration Machine featuring SIDE HANDLES and fingertip DISPLAY. Whole Body Vibration Exercise hepls you to increase your circulation, lymphatic drainage, toning, flexibility and energy. For more products visit our website.

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Create Your Own Workout - Exercising At Home

Doing exercises in your home has many advantages and some disadvantages. By exercising at home, you can save time that requires for your trip to the gym and also you can arrange your exercise program at a convenient time of your selection. Some people are not comfortable exercising at a gym, for them exercise at home and make the exercise more inspiring. You can listen to your favorite music from your home speaker system or iPod dock while doing exercise in home. Wear the exercise clothes that are the most comfortable, without worrying about who might see you..
There are a few disadvantages also. You won't be able to fit as many exercise pieces in your home as you'd like, but in a gym several types of fitness equipments are available. You will not get immediate support or guidance of a trainer also when you are doing home exercise. But you can save a lot of time and also you can arrange the timing of the exercise program as per your convenience.
If you have a staircase in your home, you can get good exercise by simply climbing the stairs. To start, stand at the bottom of the stairs and walk in place for about one minute to get your leg muscles warmed up. Next, step up onto the first stair, and then back down. Repeat this move on the first stair only ten times. Walk in place for fifteen seconds. After this walk up the first two stairs, and then back down, then walk up one stair and back down. Repeat ten times. Then go up three stairs, come down, walk up two stairs, come down, and walk up one stair and come down. Repeat this exercise ten times. Your strength and stamina gradually build up your endurance over the weeks and months to come.
You can work out your thigh and muscles by using sofa as a support. Stand up facing the sofa, with one of the sofa arms in front of you. Then bend forward, supporting your weight on the arm of the sofa. Keep your head down so that you do not put stress on your neck muscles. Kick your right leg back, so that the bottom of your foot is parallel to the ceiling, and then bring it back down. When you are doing the exercise properly, you should feel it in your thigh. Do fifteen repetitions on your right leg, and then repeat with your left leg.
Hold a basket full of clothes (laundry basket) above you head, and lift upwards and back down. Do at least three repetitions of fifteen lifts each. If it is too heavy for you, all you have to do is take out some clothes to reduce the weight. This exercise will work your shoulders, upper arms, and upper back muscles. Do this workout in a different way by laying flat on your back, and lifting the basket up and down from your chest.
Crunch routines for abdominal muscles can easily be done from the comfort of your own living room. Start with some isometrics. Take a five-second count to come up, and five seconds back down. Do five repetitions. Next, do three repetitions of fifteen crunches at a normal pace. After doing this exercise, turn onto your side with your upper back and shoulders still facing upward.
Use an office chair with wheels (a swivel chair) for this exercise. Do some arm workouts right at your desk. Just hold onto the edge of your desk while you are seated in the chair, and use your arm muscles to pull yourself close to the desk, and then push yourself back away. This will work your biceps.
Dancing is a great way to burn off pounds, and it also great fun. Turn on some off your favorites tunes with a fast and energetic beat, and break it down. It doesn't matter what you look like - all that matters is that you are burning calories, and loving every minute of it.
There are some excellent workout videos in the market today that helps you to get into good shape. Visit your local video rental store, and check out their collection of exercise video rentals. This way, you can try out more workouts by watching a video, and you can get a diversified workout.
If you are interested to do some advanced type of exercise for shaping your body or to participate in some sports or games, consider getting a piece of cardiac equipment, like a recumbent bike or elliptical trainer, as well as a home gym machine with several different arm, leg, back and chest exercise options. But you can pick and choose the ones that will fit into your fitness goals. If your budget doesn't allow for expensive gym equipment, invest in some dumbbells, kettle bells or resistance bands for a challenging workout.
Tom Marshal is a freelance writer specialized in topics that cover health of the general public. Have you found this article helpful and informative?
How would you like find more information about physical fitness exercises and different ways to attain fitness?
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Beginner's Guide to Bigger Muscles

A toned physique is a result of unflinching determination towards a regime of regular and rigorous training, eating healthy, eating right and appropriate supplementation. However before one begins a regime for body building it is very important to know the following:
  • Medical fitness qualifying you to take on the required nature exercise.
  • The right way to starting it.
  • The right way to exercise.
  • When, how and how much.
  • What is your aim, what specific part of your body are you looking at developing or are you looking for a fully toned physique.
7 Muscle Groups in Order of Importance
1. The Deltoids
  • Significance-this muscle group helps give a V- shape to the upper torso. Deltoids when worked upon to make the upper body look much larger than it actually is. They make the shoulders look broader.
  • Exercise- side laterals with weight/dumbbell and front raises with weight / dumbbells.
2. The Chest
  • Muscle group- Pectorals including Pectoralis Major and Pectoralis Minor
  • Significance-this muscle group helps add bulk to the front upper body.
  • Exercise- Bench press and Bench press with narrow grip for inner pectorals.
3. The Trapezius
  • Significance - Larger and more muscular shoulders; thicken neck thereby making the overall appearance larger; and give V shape of the upper body.
  • Exercises- Standing barbell press, and military press.
4. The Latissimus Dorsi
  • Significance - Back development and Contribute to V shape of the body
  • Exercise - pull ups
5. The Triceps
  • Significance - Comprise of two thirds of upper arm so give more bulk than biceps to arm. Also contribute to chest work out since exercises are mostly same.
  • Exercises - Triceps extension and Bench press with narrow grip.
6. The Biceps
  • Significance - Bulky arms
  • Exercises - Barbell Curl; Alternate Hammer Curl; and Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl

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Cardio Training and A Healthy Heart

In a previous article I wrote about the benefits of cardio training and how it can help you to have a very healthy heart. The article I wrote was just about basic cardio workouts. In this article I am going to give you some benefits of cardio interval training and your heart health. This is a bit more advanced. I hope you get a lot out of what I am writing.
Everything to do with your health and fitness begins with a healthy heart. During our lifetimes we do things to enhance the hearts health and to harm it. The heart is basically just a muscle like any other muscle in your body. If you exercise it and get it working harder, it will get stronger. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, smoke, drink, eat a lot of fatty foods, etc., you will age it faster. There are some things we can't control like age, your gender, and anything that is hereditary. What we can control is what we eat. Cut out fatty foods and eat more raw foods. If you smoke, STOP! One pack a day can double or triple your chances of a heart attack.
Among the highest risk factors are male sex, age over 35, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high levels of certain fats in your blood, and a family history of cardiovascular disease. Additional health factors that the above unhealthy habits can start in your body are high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, weight problems, and even worse cardiovascular problems.
1. Quit smoking if you do smoke and start on a low in fat diet of vegetables, fruits, and lower fat meats. This is an awesome start even you don't want to work out.
2.Even moderate exercise can help,tremendously, to make your heart stronger. 3-4 times a week on a treadmill at a brisk walk can help, or just walk. Light jogging a few times a week is good also.
3. Some aerobics exercises will go a long way towards a healthy heart. I am not talking about training for the Olympics here. Almost anybody can do a bit of aerobics, jogging, and or walking daily.
4. Mix your cardio training up daily. Take a brisk walk or jog the first day. Don't do too much. maybe walk a half mile each time you walk for a week. The next week extend it out to a mile. Keep doing this week to week. This would be the same with jogging or any aerobics exercises. I am not going to get into all the different aerobics exercises you can do. Just Google aerobic exercises and you will find tons of them.
5. The important thing is to do something different on a daily basis. Do the walking or jogging at least 3 times a week and then some form of aerobics 3 times a week with a day off. Don't do so much that you develop a lot of muscle soreness or you will quit. Just keep it simple. This is designed to get your heart rate elevated and working a bit. Increase distance and reps each week to 2 weeks. This will continue to keep muscle soreness away and will increase your heart's workload.

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Mixed Martial Arts for Weight Loss and Fitness

If planning to implement a routine to improve on your overall well-being and fitness you might want to research the available opportunities which can offer something a little more exciting than a standard gym session. Some of the more fun and existing methods to increase fitness levels and lose weight at the same time include judo, karate, kickboxing, boxing, or any of the other martial arts. In order to achieve the most impressive results from combining a martial art with weight loss, you really want to plan out a proper dietary plan. If a diet is combined with the proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals, then this can do a long way to achieving the ideal health improvements and results.
Achieve your weight loss goal
Using martial arts for achieving a desired loss in weight is generally related to the high-intensity of the many martial arts programs. A full work out following a preferred type of martial art can last 60-minutes per session, which will go a long way to burning a good number of calories per routine. If already active and hoping to find a way to lose weight fast, then a well-planned routine at a local gym might be the ideal route to take.
A personal trainer might instruct such martial art activities as kung fu aerobics, cardio kickboxing, and boxercise. Each of these safe, fun, and effective activities is designed to promote a highly effective cardio workout for weight loss and fitness.
Due to the increase in popularity of these safe, yet challenging training programs, it is becoming easier to purchase a wide range of DVDs devised by personal trainers to make these types of training programs more available to those that would prefer to complete their workout at home.
Helping to increase your level of fitness
Most of the marital arts programs, either gym or DVD based, offer a perfect opportunity to improve on your overall level of endurance and cardiovascular fitness. If able to abide by a high-quality drill and exercise plan, then this will also help with improving on muscle flexibility and strength. An effective cardiovascular workout is dependent on increasing the heart rate over a sufficient period of time, which can be easily be achieved by completing a regular martial arts training program.
Improving on the bodies overall flexibility is naturally achieved by taking part in martial arts,
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Lose Excess Weight by Dancing Your Way To Fitness

For many people the thought of carrying out any form of physical exercise creates a form of dread. This is an unfortunate situation as a very high percentage of these people are grossly over-weight and are risking an early demise with the consequence of not being able to see their grandchildren grow up. Statistics indicate that obesity has reached staggering proportions in many countries and it is costing the tax payers a substantial amount of money in treatment and care.
Recent decades have seen humans adopt a more laid back attitude to their diet and more reliant upon fast, processed foods. With these foods that are filled with saturated fats and unhealthy additives, comes the risk of being struck down with any number of medical conditions which could be fatal. Weight loss tips are the answer and any over-weight person must take notice of them; the alternative could see a person become hospitalized and / or taking prescription medication for the rest of their lives. Furthermore, their life expectancy could be dramatically reduced.
Accompanying any weight loss program, a degree of exercise needs to be carried out although this does not mean spending hours in the gym. It means a certain amount of walking, cycling or swimming that could considerably enhance your mobility. However, for anybody who does not enjoy any physical exertion, there is a solution and that is dancing. Everybody loves music of some kind and to express yourself on the dance floor to the music you enjoy, is a great form of exercise.
Dancing has been popular for a great number of years and this is why stage and TV shows involving professional dancers have proven to be a great success with the viewing public. When sports personalities, actors and actresses are paired with dancing professionals to compete in front of a universal audience, the competition becomes electric. When interviewed after a competition, those taking part have admitted that they have lost a great deal of weight. In fact, an over weight professional dancer has yet to be seen.
So why not introduce dancing into your weight loss program and enjoy watching your excess weight fall off. To get to your ideal weight, weight loss tips must be followed for maximum benefit. But what could be better than eating healthily and dancing to your favourite music? This could make you look at exercise in a completely different way and by enjoying what you do will provide the incentive to continue even when your ideal weight has been attained.
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Cardio Training: Everything You Need to Know

Want a guide to cardio training? Well you found it. There are many misconceptions about cardio training and I'm going to do my best to dispel them so you can develop a solid routine.
First, stop wasting your time with aerobic training! Seriously... just STOP. Aerobic trainining such as treadmill runs, long distance runs, elliptical training, or stationary bike training are not providing you with the results you want.
If you're like most people who are unsatisfied with their bodies, then you probably want results FAST. You don't want to wait years to see results, and I don't blame you. With these techniques, it WILL take years... and the worst part is that your gains won't even be permanent. I know this is a grim outlook, but let me tell you why.
I'm telling you this because there is a much more effective cardio training option you can use. High-intensity cardio or anaerobic cardio is the most effective way to burn fat, and keep it off for good. This is because high-intensity training builds lean muscle and this allows you fight off any future fat gains.
Muscle is the ultimate defense against fat because it BURNS fat. This is the greatest downfall of aerobic training. Aerobic exercises DO NOT build lean muscle and therefore are not an effective long-term approach.
Okay, so now that we got the basics out of the way, we can talk about some exercises you can start using.
Don't be scared... sprint training IS for everyone not just elite athletes. You need to remember that everyone started somewhere, so even if you aren't as fast as Usain Bolt, you can still use sprints to see legitimate results.
If you're just starting out with high-intensity cardio training, then I highly recommend you start out with sprints. These explosive exercises will help you build a solid foundation for other high-intensity cardio workouts in the future.
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