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Saturday 31 August 2013

Chicken And Rice Is Not Just for A Bodybuilding Diet

Chicken and rice cakes
Struggling to get your chicken and rice in?
This meal of the week is a bit different. Although I have aimed this at bodybuilders on a pre contest diet, this recipe is one of the best choices for anyone with weight loss plans who are after a tasty meal idea.
As some of you may know, I am into bodybuilding. I competed and placed in late 2012. I did struggle with the constant "force feeding" of chicken, rice and broccoli. If any of you have done a pre contest bodybuilding diet, you will know how tough this can be... It got so bad for me early on in the 20 week diet that I literally wanted to cry every 2 hours when it came to getting this bland mixture down.
As I am really into my food, I looked at better ways to cook chicken and rice for pre contest. As this diet is extremely strict you are very limited with the type of seasoning you can use. Anything with sugar is a massive "NO NO" and if you look at the ingredients on most seasonings you will see sugar and salt. All sauces are out of the question as these have a big calorie content, most again are loaded with sugar and salt.
The calories I got had to come mainly from chicken and rice.
So these "Chicken and rice cakes" are something that I managed to invent when I was struggling one weekend when I had some time.
The measurements of chicken and rice will vary for each person if you are competing. If you are just using this as a healthy option you can follow the measurements that I used.
You will need-
4 chicken breasts
300g of wholegrain rice (uncooked)
Ground Black pepper
1 chili
1 clove of garlic
A bunch of fresh coriander
No sugar/ salt seasoning. (I used Singapore seasoning made by "Penzeys spices") but any other seasoning that meets the criteria of your diet Will do)
Olive oil or "1 cal none stick spray"
Step 1
Cook the rice so it is ready to eat, leave this to cool slightly but don't allow it to go totally cold
Step 2
Wash and cut the chicken breast into chunks. We are not looking for anything pretty here, just chop it up and spray with the 1 cal none stick spray a few times.
Step 3
Crush or finely chop the garlic (If you have seen good fellas, you can use a razor blade) and cut the chili up. Make sure you remove the seeds from the chili here if you don't want it to be too hot.
Step 4
Pull apart or chop the coriander finely and mix with the garlic, chili and coriander.
Step 5
Season the chopped chicken with the Singapore seasoning or what ever you chose to use. (the Singapore seasoning will give the food a nice spicy Asian taste). Then mix in the chili, garlic, pepper and coriander. It is best to coat all of the chicken with this seasoning, so get stuck in to it with your hands.
Step 6
Put the raw chicken covered in seasoning into a food processor and also add the rice. Blend this in short bursts, you don't want to make a raw chicken and rice soup! It is personal preference on how fine you want to go here but I like to keep it fairly course.
Step 7
Once this is mixed or "Blended" take this out of the blender and put into a bowl. Make the mixture into a ball. Half the ball and half this again, you should end up with 4 balls... Nice! Squash these balls down so they are about an inch thick
Step 8
Use the 1 cal spray to lightly grease a baking tray or some tin foil, then place the 4 cakes onto the tray and again spray with 1 cal spray (This will give the cakes a crispy finish) or if you are not on a pre- contest diet, you could top with Parmesan cheese. (I haven't tried this but I imagine that it would finish off the cakes nicely)
Step 9
Put in a preheated oven at 180 Celsius or gas mark 4 for around 30 mins or until they have started to brown. Make sure that these are cooked thoroughly before eating.
Step 10
Serve with your favorite veg and eat while hot if you can. I have also eaten these cold as I will normally make a big batch. It's best not to reheat these as reheated chicken can cause you problems if it's not done right.
As I am into experimenting in the kitchen I came up with this healthy recipe but there are things that you could do to make this more exiting, like add onions (Another no no on my pre contest diet) or cheese, change the spices you put in or maybe make a blue cheese sauce to put over the top... I'm getting hungry now so I'm going to wrap it up!
I hope this has been useful. It certainly was for me when I fancied a change from the usual chicken, rice and broccoli mix on my pre contest diet.
Good luck if you are going to try this, let me know how you get on.
By James Atkinson
If this has been useful to you, there are more articles on training, diet, healthy meal ideas and inspiration on my blog
I would love to hear from you and I am always happy to help.
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Is Dieting the Answer to Your Weight Loss?

Have you tried every diet and exercise program out there and still can't get the scales to budge? Do you have over 50 pounds to lose with no end in sight?
Maybe dieting isn't the answer. Two people I've read about recently have a different idea about weight loss--Dr. Robert Anthony and John Gabriel. What is so different about their programs?
Dr. Robert Anthony is a hypno-therapist and the author of The Zero Resistance Weight Release Solution. In his program, he uses self-hypnosis to reprogram your subconscious mind wo you lose weight naturally. His program is based on the idea that your subconscious mind has determined you need to be the weight you are, undermining all your attempts. It sets up a resistance to losing weight.
In his program, there is a morning and an evening audio track for you to help get your subconscious mind on your side, plus written material which explains his research into weight loss.
John Gabriel's, The Gabriel Method, uses some of the same ideas. Again, he believes you have to change your subconscious mind in order to lose weight and keep it off.
John is all the proof you need to see that his method works. He lost 226 pounds following his method, and then decided to share with the rest of us. He has written a book, The Gabriel Method--Weight Loss Without Dieting, which explains how he discovered his method and how you can use it to lose your excess weight.
His total transformation program includes audio tracks for morning and evening, similar to Dr. Anthony's program.
How do these programs work? You simply listen to the self-hypnosis and visualization tracks each day, morning and evening. They help you begin to choose healthier foods and encourage you to be more active. The books and written material give you information on what foods to eat, how to have a healthy diet, and suggest a more active lifestyle.
I have looked at both programs and I am using the Gabriel Method right now. And I have to admit, I've lost 40 pounds since I began. I'm not particularly consistent in listening to the mp3's, but they seem to be doing the job, nonetheless.
Yes, I had tried other diets and methods before I happened upon Dr. Anthony and John Gabriel, and dropped a few pounds just to gain it back again a little later. I counted calories, I exercised like a fiend, but nothing changed.
Until now.
For more information, you can go to my website:
Mellie invites you to visit her blog at for articles on health, weight loss, meditation and alternative healing.
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Why Should You Adopt an Exercise Program?

If the majority of Americans were in shape, writing this article would probably be redundant or unnecessary. However, two thirds of all patrons whom reside in the United States are overweight, and one half of that number, or one-third, is clinically obese. Our ancestors fortunately didn't face an epidemic such as this because they were physically active most of the day without all of the luxuries that exist in the modern world. Thus, it is necessary to exercise today just to prevent obesity. Of course, there is eating within moderation as well.
The number one reason to exercise would actually be to prevent a negative. With obesity comes a ton of additional pain and suffering aside from the obvious such as an extremely diminished quality of life. With obesity come all sorts of disorders which include hypertension, type-2 diabetes, and different variations of cardiovascular disease. Clearly human beings are meant to be lean otherwise the consequences with being overweight or obese wouldn't be so severe.
Not being overweight or obese is one thing, but being in good physical shape is another - life can be good with quality of life rating high on the continuum. Most of these individuals experience a positive mood with limited depression and anxiety, which most know are other reasons to exercise. Being physically fit therefore aids one's psychological and emotional well-being. Hence, it would be fair to say that achieving health and happiness in today's world would be out of reach without a well-planned exercise program.
What are some of the other benefits of exercising? First, every workout program should include resistance training which is separate from aerobic or cardiovascular types of exercises. A quality strength training routine includes exercising with machines or free weights such as dumbbells and barbells. All major muscle groups should be targeted including the chest, back, and legs as well as the core which involves the abdominal, lower-back, oblique and hip muscles. It would also be wise to include exercises that isolate the arms, specifically the biceps, triceps, and shoulders. Benefits from this type of exercise include, mobility, stability, muscular endurance, muscular strength, confidence, balance, an increased energy level, and an improved body composition which ultimately means a lean physique.
The benefits to cardiovascular types of exercise is of course to lose some weight and burn some calories, but primarily to aid and improve the heart, lungs, and respiratory system. Although resistance training is more important for both men and women, as far as being physically fit is concerned, cardiovascular activities should also be incorporated in a quality exercise program. They serve different purposes. The next step after deciding to pursue a healthy lifestyle is to define an exercise program according to your needs and goals.
This article was written by the founder of Ideal Fitness Routines. They specialize in exercise program development.
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Workouts at Home to Gain Muscle

There are several workouts at home you can do to gain muscle. Working out at home is a great way to save money and has many other benefits involved. Some of these benefits include:
Not having to wait for someone to finish with an exercise.
Workout at your own pace.
Not having to hear other people. (This can be a benefit depending on the situation.)
Gives you direct access to exercises without having to leave home.
1. Not having to wait for someone to finish with an exercise can improve your workout routine. When you are in the middle of completing your workouts which are part of your workout routine, and you are in that groove where you feel strong and pumped, waiting for someone to finish with a particular exercise may effect the way you will perform the workout then if you were to not wait. The reason I say this is because your attention is focused on waiting for them to finish with the workout and by the time they are done with it, you might use up some energy and lose the pump you had. So this may play an important role in the muscle gains you achieve.
2. Working out at your own pace give you the time to complete the exercises you are doing properly and may improve your focus on the workout as well. Your mind can easily be distracted when your at the gym, but if you are at home working out there will probably be less distractions which can allow you to put most of your attention on the workout itself.
3. Not having to hear other people is similar to the distractions. Sometimes you may just want to workout alone without any distractions or outside noises which can effect the way your workout goes.
4. Gives you direct access to exercises without having to leave home. This allows you to save money and make and plan your own workout routine at home. You can make it on your own terms, and create a workout routine schedule which seems alright with you. Here is an example of how having such a direct access to workouts at home can improve your commitment to your workout routine.
There could be a situation where you would go workout but you just don't feel like getting ready and driving to the gym, or taking the bus, whatever route you use to get there. You just might not feel it, but with the exercises at home, this removes that feeling because you don't even have to leave your home. So this is an example of how having direct access to exercises at home can be a benefit to your workout routine and overall body transformation.
Hope you enjoyed reading this article.
Thanks for reading.
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5 Body Building Secrets To Bigger And Stronger Muscles

The perfect bodybuilding program that matches your requirements may be difficult to find. But, there are plenty of muscle building programs out there that can be slightly modified to your needs and work just fine. One of the best muscle building programs that has been devised by fitness instructor Jason Feruggia. This program is intended to help people to build up lean muscle mass.
Set Goals
A good muscle building program helps you lay out a road map to help you reach your goals. If you do not set goals it is difficult to maintain interest and you might easily give it all up. So, if you are serious about your muscle building then set a goal.
Eat Right
The right program on body building will not just focus on exercises you need to do. It will also give you valuable inputs on your diet and right type of foods to eat. When you are serious about building muscles you need to feed your body the right type of food like proteins and carbs to help your muscles grow. Starving the body of nutrients will serve absolutely no purpose and you will even lose any muscles you might have as the body is actively looking for nutrition to heal and repair the muscles damaged during the hard work out sessions.
Importance Of Rest
The bodybuilding program should also stress on proper rest. Working out is good but, over working is not. The muscles need time to heal, to repair and to grow. All this happens only when you give the body rest. If you are all the time working the muscles they become tired, unable to work to their full capacity and suffer fatigue. This also makes them vulnerable to injury and damage to the body.
Information Overload
Yes, too much information can be overwhelming causing some people to just give up. So, take small parts of the program and focus on understanding it and following it. It should take maximum of a week to understand the whole program. Another thing is that if you are very clear about your goals and what you want achieve you can focus on the aspects of the program that are relevant to you and leave the rest for later.
Get Started
Don't get bogged down by all the details in any workout program. If you do you will never start. Instead make a small start and keep working at it one day at a time and soon you will understand what needs to be done and how. Just get into the gym and start working out.
There are dozens of professionals out there who will willing to help if you are willing to help yourself. Don't worry about not being perfect the first time. As you do things you will learn to correct mistakes and become perfect over time. A good gym instructor will help you correct any mistakes you might make.
Following a program like Jason Ferrugia's Muscle Gaining Secrets helps in a number of ways.
  • First, it sets out the right path to success.
  • Second, it helps you formulate a plan of action for your goals.
  • Third, it helps you understand the dynamics of exercise, diet and rest.
  • Fourth, it makes you stick to the plan which is key to achieving your goals.
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Why Are So Many Women Obsessed With Footwear?

By Joana Boyle

We're planning on wearing flats on Fashion's Night Out. How else could we get from Saks Fifth Avenue (JT alert!) to Vena Cava's block party in Williamsburg and back to the Meatpacking District without developing some Big Apple-sized blisters? Speaking of hoofing it, Christian Louboutin will be offering Champagne foot baths and pedicures at his Madison Avenue shop. No, the shoe maestro himself won't be in town; he's busy putting the finishing touches on his new Rodeo Drive boutique.

Louboutin directed a short film in honor of his new Beverly Hills home, and he offered an exclusive sneak peek. Psychologic owes a big debt to the Alfred Hitchcock classic, if only Janet Leigh had been lucky enough to land in Louboutin nirvana after she met her grisly end.

Well, I think there are a couple of layers. First off, shoes are an intimate extension of the physical body. And they seem to say a lot about our personality, our sexual attitudes, and our social status. And high heels in particular seem to be the focus of a lot of our thoughts about gender, sexuality, eroticism, and femininity.

I think there's definitely an element of sexual fetishism involved in men's fascination with women's high-heel shoes. But for women, I think it's not fetishism so much as it is an obsession with fashion and with shoes as the ultimate sartorial symbol of erotic femininity.

The only problem, naturally, is that the Louboutin clutch costs a thousand dollars.Many of my choices for our Want it Wednesday category are both exotic and rather pricey.But this design goes even a bit further than that; the Christian Louboutin Pigalle Clutch takes what should be a novelty and elevates the sophistication level to make this clutch something truly impressive.

No self-respecting owner would want to hide these out of sight, so these nine pairs of fabulous shoes come with a 13-inches tall x 10-inches wide x 3-inches long display box. Best of all, this entire collection can be purchased for less than $60! I wish I could find nine pairs of stunning Louboutin shoes for that price, for my big old human feet! At that price, this collection is an ideal gift for the Barbie enthusiast's special occasion.

Not only has Louboutin designed these stunning Barbie shoes, you may have seen some of his total Barbie creations in the form of the Barbie Cat Burglar doll or the beautiful Barbie Anemone doll. Of course, no collector would be satisfied seeing her Barbie wearing those same old shoes every day, so by having the Christian Louboutin Barbie shoes collection, you can redress her feet to suit any occasion or any mood.

The only problem, naturally, is that the Louboutin clutch costs a thousand dollars.This photo was submitted by @siobhanisgone and we instantly fell in love.Fur is defined by fall and winter seasons and Christian Louboutin has come out with this gorgeous mink fur clutch as an excellent fashion accessory for special occasions during that season.

Christian Louboutin delivers another fashion piece in this rounded leopard printed clutch bag.But the bag stood out because of its unusual color and has complemented her sexy Louboutin heels.

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What You Need To Know About Chiropractic Care Coquitlam

By Gloria Mason

A chiropractor is a health care professional who focuses on treating and preventing disorders that affect the nervous and the musculoskeletal systems. This professional also treats the effects of these disorders on general health. By opting for chiropractic care Coquitlam residents can receive effective treatment for neuromusculoskeletal disorders like neck pain, back pain, joint pain and headaches among others. The techniques that chiropractors use are non invasive and hands on.

A chiropractor is regarded as a primary care practitioner whose extensive training helps him or her treat different neuromusculoskeletal ailments. This professional may recommend rehabilitative and therapeutic exercises to treat certain disorders and provide lifestyle, nutritional and dietary counseling. The procedure that chiropractors utilize to treat people is known as spinal manipulation. In some cases, they may use small instruments to perform this procedure.

Spinal manipulation seeks to restore the mobility of joints after controlled force is applied to joints that have restricted movement due to tissue injury. Tissues can suffer injury after a person suffers a single traumatic event like lifting a heavy object improperly. They can also get injured due to sitting for an extended period of time with poor spinal posture. Injured tissues undergo chemical and physical changes that can cause pain, inflammation and diminished function.

When affected joints and tissues are adjusted or manipulated, they are able to move properly once more. This reduces pain and tightness and enhances the healing of tissues. Generally, spinal manipulation is a pain free procedure even though some patients complain about feeling mild aches or soreness after the procedure is performed. However, this aching and soreness usually subsides after a period of 12 to 48 hours.

Chiropractic care is very effective in treating disorders like back pain. If you are suffering from other medical conditions along with back pain, this form of treatment can be used to support or compliment medical treatment to relive the musculoskeletal aspects associated with the condition. A chiropractor can assess your body through laboratory testing, clinical examination and diagnostic imaging to determine whether chiropractic care is right for you or not.

If your chiropractor finds out that this type of treatment will not do you any good or if your condition needs to be managed along with another form of medical treatment, he or she will refer you o the appropriate professional. The focus of chiropractic care is on treating nerves, joints and muscles because of the important role they play in overall bodily functions. It seeks to promote self healing by ensuring that the right balance between the anatomy and physiology of the body is achieved.

Chiropractic treatment also helps to improve the immune system. It can make your body less susceptible to developing colds, flu, allergies and other common ailments. People who are at risk of developing serious health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes can also benefit from this form of treatment.

The treatment that chiropractors offer also helps to improve range of motion. If you are a victim of trauma or injury, this professional can ask you to perform many different exercises at different postures in order to increase strength and flexibility. By consulting with professionals who offer chiropractic care Coquitlam inhabitants can receive the best treatment without worrying about side effects because the procedures that chiropractors use are natural.

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What To Look For In A Wedding Day Makeup Artist NYC

By Gloria Mason

One of the most special days any woman's life is her wedding day. On this day everything from the dress to the food that she serves her guests needs to be absolutely perfect. For this reason it is a good idea for any bride to be to hire a makeup artist NYC to help make her look like the most beautiful bride that has ever walked down the aisle.

Planning aware being can be quite stressful. You need to find professional cosmetic artists that will do a good job so that your wedding day run smoothly. It is a good idea to ask your friends and family for references or recommendations if you are struggling to find a good cosmetic artist. You can also ask your wedding planner or photographer if they know of someone.

The most important thing about any cosmetic artist is whether or not they can work with a variety of different skin types. They will need to know which cosmetics will help you look beautiful while still remaining natural. They will also need to use cosmetics that will not ruin your skin by irritating it or causing it to break out in a rash or spots.

You will need to find somebody that can help you with a look that represents your style and reflects your personality. They will also need to make you up so that your look reflects the theme of your wedding. Good artists will be able to provide you with many ideas after one or two consultations.

Makeup can really help enhance a woman's facial features. At the same time it can also ruin your features if it is applied to heavily. Good artists will know how to apply the cosmetics in a way so that you do not look like a completely different person that nobody will recognize.They will also take lighting and the temperature into account so that the make up does not start to run or make you feel too hot and uncomfortable.

Problem skin all have any scars of facial flaws the artist that you hire should be able to cover them while still making you look natural. They should have a variety of techniques that they can use to highlight your best features while covering up any bad ones that you might have. Many will be able to provide you with a portfolio with the work that they have done so that you can see the different kinds of looks that they can create for you.

Your wedding day is all about you and you will therefore need to feel relaxed so that you can enjoy the day. This means that you will need to hire someone who is confident and will make you feel at ease. They will need to be friendly and have a reputation for always being on time.

If you are unsure on which look will suit you best, you could have your makeup artist NYC do a few trials. This is where they will try different looks on you to help you choose one that you like. If you feel beautiful and comfortable, this will show and you will truly leave your guests and groom speechless on your big day.

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Laser Treatment For Toenail Fungus Shows Promise

By Gloria Mason

Onychomycosis, also called a fungal infection of the toenails, results in the latter becoming hardened and thick due to the presence of fungi. It also causes crumbling at the edge of each nail, which can be tender and painful to the underlying skin. Laser treatment for toenail fungus is one of the newest therapies designed to eliminate this embarrassing and uncomfortable condition.

Such infections may manifest first as small white spots that eventually start to spread. Gradually, the affected area encompasses the entire nail. The fungus may grow on just one nail, or infection can involve multiple toenails. This fungus is often difficult to eliminate, and in numerous instances it appears to have disappeared, but reoccurs in the future. As previously mentioned, laser therapy is a new approach to treating an infection of this type, and numerous individuals have realized success with this procedure.

Fungi are microscopic organisms that prefer a moist, warm, dark environment. This is why numerous individuals contract such infections in public showers or swimming pools they share with others. The fungi that result in this condition are referred to as dermatophytes. They enter the toenail through small openings where the bed separates from the nail.

Although scientists do not know the reason, toenail fungus affects more men than women. Infections of this kind are also less common among young individuals than they are among the elderly. Again, researchers are not exactly sure what causes certain people to be at a higher risk for such infections.

Currently, there are two kinds of laser therapy available for this condition. The first is referred to as patholase; however, this type has not yet received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. This is due to the fact that the results of various clinical trials have not proven its effectiveness in eliminating fungus.

Nomir laser therapy is another option for those suffering from the aforementioned condition. Although this treatment is also awaiting FDA approval, studies are overwhelmingly positive with regard to its success rate. In preliminary clinical trials, 85 percent of participants had an improvement in their condition within six months of completing the treatment. Additional studies are underway concerning this type of therapy.

A laser is a concentrated beam of light, and when directed to the infected tissue, it vaporizes the latter after several treatments. Various wavelengths are used in order to treat each area selectively, based on the severity of the fungi growth. The heat from the light beam kills the fungus and does not damage the tissue surrounding the infection. In addition, there are virtually no side effects associated with such treatment.

The procedure takes about half an hour and can be performed in the office of a general doctor. It typically takes 3 sessions to administer enough wavelengths to eradicate fungi. It is not necessary to place the patient under anesthesia, as he or she will typically feel nothing during the process.

Essentially anyone can participate in laser treatment for toenail fungus. No one has reported major adverse reactions so far, and both footwear and nail polish can be worn immediately after each session. Those who are interested in this type of therapy should speak to a medical professional and be evaluated before an appointment for the procedure is scheduled.

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Making Use Of Garcinia Cambogia Extract For Fat Burning

By Carolina J. Harrison

For those looking for efficient weight loss supplements, what comes to mind is Garcinia Cambogia. It is a fruit that is native to India. It resembles a pumpkin but the two have a difference when it comes to size, with the pumpkin being much bigger. Using Garcinia Cambogia extract for weight loss is an effective way to keep weight under check.

Most people are of the belief that Hydroxycitric Acid, which is the extract of this fruit, is effective due to the fact that it suppresses hunger and burns fat very effectively. This explains why it is used in a number of supplements. This fruit works by affecting the production of the enzyme responsible for creation of fat. When the enzyme fails to be produced, the body starts burning all ingested carbohydrates. Given that there are no carbohydrates in the body and there is no fat production as well, weight is lost overtime.

Having a big appetite is one of the biggest reasons for people being overweight. With this fruit being able to suppress appetite, this is a problem one would not have to worry about. This, coupled with its ability to speed up the rate of metabolism, ensures food is broken down fast.

The herb has been used for many years without any known toxic side effects. However, the herb is not held to very strict standards of government currently. The various brand names from different manufacturers have different standards of quality and dosage. At certain times, the herbs are mixed together in such a way that their overall strength gets negated.

The extracts from the fruits are used in combination with chromium for the best results. It helps in regulation of sugar levels in blood. Most diets often lack in the mineral chromium. Such deficiency could lead to diabetes and increase in body mass as an individual ages.

The acid gotten from the fruit, Hydroxycitric Acid, also known as HCA, is very useful for persons that eat a lot when they are stressed up or anxious. This supplement works best for persons in this category. The acid brings about a feeling of soothe and comfort, feelings that are usually only associated with people eating their favorite foods.

In considering Garcinia Cambogia Extract for Weight Loss, pregnant and nursing women should not take the herbs. The other groups of people that should not take it are diabetics and children. Even more importantly, a physician should be contacted before taking it, so that they advice on the right dosage.

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How To Identify The Best Sun Lotion For The Coming Summer

By Haywood Hunter

The onset of summer brings joy to people because they no longer have to brace the coldness and countless days indoors. However, the high levels of UV radiation could ruin your special holiday by killing your skin cells and causing cancer. You need to use the best sun lotion to enjoy the coming summer. Here are the best methods of looking for the right cream to use.

You should start by seeking to understand your skin so that you buy the best sun lotion. If your skin is sensitive or you are allergic, you need more time to select the most appropriate cream for summer. It is advisable that you look at your skin history and avoid creams that have components allergic to you. You could also visit a medical practitioner and ask for the creams that will not be reactive to your skin.

You should gather a lot of information about the best sun lotion from journals, magazines and books. Check online for more information about the best sun lotion, their ingredients and even the manufacturing process. It is particularly advisable that you evaluate the effectiveness rating and only go for products and companies that people indicate to be highly effective.

It is important for you to know that whether in winter or summer, the skin is a special organ whose functions should not be hindered. Of particular concerns in this case are the pores and hairs. Like dermatologists argue, look for the best sun lotion that will not block your skin pores so that the process of perspiration and excretion can proceed undisturbed.

If you have been using a specific type of tanning cream and want to shift to another, you need to take great care. Often, the body gets accustomed to a particular lotion and might become reactive when you shift to a different one. Therefore, take a small amount of this cream and put on a small part of your skin. If you get burning effects, lashes or pain, consider doing away with it and looking for the best sun lotion.

The best sun lotion is the one that brings a multiplicity of benefits. Ask a dermatologist to help you identify the lotion that will add nutrients such as vitamin A and beta-carotene as well as special minerals to your skin. Do not settle for less; look for the best sun lotion to enjoy your summer.

The best sun lotion is the one that is thick and does not melt easily. You will not be prompted to keep on adding new layers which can translate to higher costs. If you use the above methods, you can rest assured of having the most remarkable summer.

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Tips To Increase Height Naturally

By G. Tan

There are many different things you can do if you are looking for ways to grow taller and are still in the process of growing.

Your diet plan, of course, plays an important role in growing taller. By consuming foods rich in protein, calcium, amino acids, and calories, you will provide your body the energy and nutrients it needs to grow and renew itself. When you exercise to increase height, it will also help.

When we are first born, much of our skeletal system is made up of cartilage, rather than solid bone. As we grow, this cartilage hardens to form adult bones. When we are in adolescence, cartilage growth plates on the ends of our long bones are what contributes to our growth spurts.

By having a poor diet throughout these crucial years, you can actually stunt your growth. This is why you must have a diet plan rich in protein, calcium, calories, and amino acids, in addition to various other essential nutrients, to ensure that your body grows as much as it possibly can. Throughout adolescence, your body is a factory of crucial changes, and it's good to do as much as you possibly can to help it along.

As we grow older, poor diet and a lack of exercise makes our bones weaker. This makes them more prone to breaking. Worse still, reduced calcium levels can lead to our bones actually shrinking as our bodies draw calcium from our bones in a desperate effort to make more. Keeping a good diet will keep your bones strong and healthy and prevent this from taking place.

By working out frequently while you are still young, you can quicken your growth process along with promoting healthy bones long into your life. By keeping good habits, such as a healthy diet plan and regular exercise, you can even prevent bone deteriorating diseases along with the shrinking that takes place frequently during old age.

An additional advantage of using exercise to increase height at an early age is that it releases height growth hormones, which speeds the growth process.

What are some of these exercises? Contrary to what you may think, many beneficial exercises that produce height growth hormones do not entail stretching. Rather, concentrate on workout regimens that concentrate on strengthening your muscles. Not only will this improve your overall looks, but it will promote bone strength as your weight grows.

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Fruit Diet Recipes

Nowadays, there is a general increase in the interest in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This entails regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. Both these things go a long way in reducing the chances of acquiring lifestyle diseases like coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, obesity and cancer. A healthy diet must constitute of the four food groups, carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins. Fruits are a good source of all the essential nutrients and they are delicious in the bargain. This means everyone should eat lots of fruit and have some good fruit diet recipes on hand.
A change in lifestyle for health reasons may require some detoxification and losing some weight. Going on a detoxification diet will almost always cause some weight loss. Eathing a lot of fruit is an excellent way to detoxify your body. Fruits are low in calories and are filled with lots of nutrients the body needs. They also have fiber which is essential for good digestion. Fruits are a good choice for detoxification because they are very effective in flushing out toxins that build up in the body from daily living and eating junk food, carbonated drinks, highly processed foods and foods with high sodium content. Fruit diet recipes can be a big help when it comes to detoxification.
Starting a fruit diet will require some planning. There are some fruit diets that are supposed to last for only 3 days while others are supposed to last up to 30 days. To make the fruit diet not seem long and interminable, you will require several different types of fruit diet recipes.
A 30 day fruit diet for detox can be especially difficult to stick to if you do not have a large variety of fruit diet recipes to try and make use of. It is a good idea to eat fruits fresh so it is best to incorporate fruits that are in season into your fruit diet recipes.
When choosing fruit for your fruit diet recipes, you should choose fruit that you enjoy. This makes the diet much easier to stick to. No matter what type of fruit you choose, always pick good quality fruit. Try to incorporate fruits like oranges and other citrus fruits because they are very good for detoxification.
Here are a couple of simple fruit diet recipes.
Fruit salad - This is a very simple and easy to make recipe. All you need is to get a couple of apples, red, green or both, some pineapple slices, peaches, mangoes, grapes, bananas or any fruit that takes your fancy. Cut all the fruits into small cubes and mix them together in a bowl. Sprinkle some cinnamon on top of the fruit mixture. You can pop this mixture into the refrigerator for about half an hour and eat it chilled. Add some low fat yoghurt for some variety. Another option is to pop the mixture into the oven and grill the fruit salad for about five minutes. This makes a delightful snack anytime of the day.
Fruit smoothie - Slice some strawberries and bananas put them in a blender. Add orange juice and low fat banana or strawberry yoghurt. Blend these ingredients together and after pour the mixture into a tall glass.
As you may have noticed, our website has a large selection of good articles on fruit health benefits as well as some good fruit recipes. Be sure and bookmark us as we regularly add others.
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Beginner's Guide to the Healthiest Foods Lifestyle

Looking for the healthiest foods lifestyle, you will get hundreds may be thousands of suggestions from fitness experts and dieticians. But whatever plan they will give you, it will surely be based on one medieval eating habit that has been around for thousands of years. We are talking about Primitive diet or primal, caveman, hunter-gatherer diet. This means that anything that can be gathered or hunted is a part of this diet and it is what we are supposed to eat. We were not made to eat processed foods loaded with preservatives, colouring or artificial flavours.
The difference between results of today's lifestyle and healthiest foods lifestyle says it all. We will take a look at people who consumed these foods. The caveman was built strong, tall, active and alert. If we take a look at the people living a few hundred years ago, they will also be healthy, happy, active and strong. People living today are a total different story, they are overweight, out of shape, unhappy, stressed out and sleep deprived. What happened is that we started relying on processed foods more than fresh and healthy foods. We like to store our veggies so they won't decay after spending weeks at the super store or in our fridge.
So why am I calling primitive or primal diet healthiest foods lifestyle. It is because our bodies never adjusted to the change in our food intake. Our bodies were made to take whole foods, less grains, meat, veggies, fruits and nuts instead of processed steaks that will not decay for months in the fridge. Primitive diet is an effort to go back to our roots which will enable us to start living healthier like we supposed to.
Primitive diet is the foundation of a healthiest foods lifestyle. Foods that come from natural resources like eggs, game meat, fish, nuts, vegetables and fruits. There are some foods that our ancestors started using a few thousand years ago when they discovered agriculture like wheat, barley, corn and others. Although these have become a part of our diet but they should be limited because taking too much of most of these grains are root causes of being overweight. And it is a scientifically proven fact. A person who is taking a Primitive diet will be happier if you serve him an uncooked fresh salad with veggies and fruits because that is what our ancestors used to have. Meat will be slow cooked or lightly cooked with organic butter. Today most of our meals consist of deep fried meats or cooked in heavy oils that not only destroy the nutrients in the meat but will also add hundreds of unhealthy calories that we have to burn with hours of workout. This is why there are several organizations in the world who are encouraging people to take on a primal diet to start living healthy and happy.
Are you looking for the healthiest foods lifestyle that will give your body a combination of natural nutrients, visit to get more details on how to switch to a primitive diet and cook delicious and healthy natural foods.

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Friday 30 August 2013

Why You Should Invest In A Face Sun Cream

By Haywwod Hunter

In the distant past it was highly undesirable to have a face browned by the sun. Tanned skin was a sign that you spent a lot of time outside and that you were probably a peasant or from the lower classes. If you were someone of higher status, your skin had to be flawless and pale. Coco Chanel, the French fashion designer, first made a suntan fashionable in the early decades of the twentieth century. However, fashion can be bad for your health and it's best to wear a face sun cream every day.

You need a little bit of sun exposure for your skin to produce the vitamin D that your body needs for good bone health. The problem is that too much exposure can cause your skin to age more quickly. More serious is the increased risk of skin cancer. Some of the highest rates of skin cancer occur in countries like Australia and South Africa, where people of European descent are more at risk because of the sunny climate and closer proximity to the deteriorating ozone layer.

The harmful rays from the sun are called ultraviolet rays and there are two types that you should watch out for. The ones that cause wrinkles and other signs of aging are UVA rays. They break down collagen in your skin, causing it to lose its elasticity. The rays that color the skin are UVB rays. Too much exposure to these rays causes sunburn and, eventually, skin cancer. A good sunscreen will protect your skin from both types of ray.

It is not advisable to use the same cream on your facial skin as you use on your body. The skin on your face is more sensitive and usually oilier too, so the cream you use on your body may be too rich. It's often because of this that people tend to skip cream on their faces altogether.

Apply facial sunscreen over your moisturizer when you perform your beauty routine in the morning. You should reapply throughout the day, about half an hour before you're going to be outside. Be sure that it's applied thickly enough to actually provide protection. A quarter to a third of a teaspoonful is usually sufficient for your face.

If possible, avoid going outside after 10 a. M. And before 2 p. M. During this time the ultraviolet rays that can harm you are stronger because they hit Earth at a more direct angle. They also do more damage near water and snow that reflect them and at high altitudes. If you have to be in the outdoors, wear a hat with a sufficiently wide brim.

Of course having very pale skin can make you look ill, which is why many people prefer a little bit of a glow. However, you don't need to risk your health to achieve the effect of looking healthy. A self-tanning cream can do wonders and if you prefer a quick fix, invest in some good bronzing powder or cream.

If you skip the face sun cream, you may regret it one day when you need expensive plastic surgery to repair the damage caused by skin cancer or the loss of the skin's elasticity. It's better to be safe than sorry. There are so many products on the market that you'll easily find one that will suit your skin, your lifestyle and your budget and that will easily fit into your pocket or handbag.

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A Complete Look At The Most Important Features Of A Sun Lab Self Tanner Review

By Haywood Hunter

As the pressure to appear perfect increases in a world crazed by celebrity culture, the appearance of a perfectly tanned skin can be a huge asset. As such, people are increasingly under pressure to make use of proven products to enhance their social place as well as career progression. Here are some important excerpts from one of the best Sun Lab self tanner review you are likely to come across online.

It is important that any consumer assess the dependability of any online reviews, mainly depending on the product's composition. This is mainly because a product can only be considered to be safe and effective if the designers have included a good proportion of natural tanning inducers. Otherwise, you may not trust such a product to induce a tan that is devoid of blemishes and spots.

Admittedly, a skin tanning product infused with plenty of natural ingredients is worth all the praise it can get in a review. However, it can prove a poor alternative if there are no guarantees that, irrespective of the paleness of the skin, the tan that appears a natural bronze. This is as opposed to the sickly yellow or orange which some products are wont to induce.

Ease of application on the skin is another factor which ought to rank highly in your search for the best, though only a few consumers learn to prioritize it. As such, it pays to be sufficiently punctilious as you evaluate different reviews up to the point you will receive adequate guarantees in this respect. Almost without exception, the best skin tanning products are darkly tinted for reasons which will become apparent presently.

The dark pigmentation of these tanning creams has at times been mistaken as a feature that makes the skin look far darker than many consumers would like. This is a baseless claim seeing that, after the tan has been allowed a couple of hours to set in, the extra dark tint is easy to wash off with soap and water. Indeed, the creams are only made a trifle darker to make it easier to apply a consistent coat.

If you have to keep applying the artificial tanning cream every couple of days to maintain the appearance, this can be unwarranted. As such, the best products in the category are sold with an assurance that you will have at least a week for the skin tan to fade off considerably. Indeed, you will find that a skin that is regularly exfoliated retains the tanning effect much longer.

There are people who are put off the whole idea of artificial indoor tanning after trying a product which left a distinctly bad chemical odor on the skin for days after application. This is one of the consequences of using tanners with far more synthetics than is considered safe. However, certified Sun Labs products are infused with a natural scent that clears as soon as the tan has set in.

As a conscientious user of beauty and cosmetic products, caution and regard for safety are essential. This is the only way you can be certain of getting value for money every time you spend online. Read an objective Sun Lab self tanner review to find out why.

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A Natural Tan With Sun Self Tanner Face Lotion

By Haywood Hunter

Summer is near and a number of people are eager to get their beautiful bronze tan for the season. To get the best controlled results, you should consider getting sun self tanner face cream. A lot of products are readily available for consumers in the market. All you will have to do is choose the one that suits you skin type the best. You can find the right one by reading reviews and ratings online.

If you want a flawless and professional application, you should head over to a salon to get the job done. These things are usually reasonable priced and satisfactory for most people. You can either get a spray tan or lie in a tanning bed. Search for salons or spas near you for this treatment.

Applying self tanner on faces is more complicated than any part of the body. You will first have to tie your hair back in a ponytail to reveal all your skin. You should fist prep your skin by cleaning or exfoliating the area. Forget about moisturizing as this will interfere with the product you are using. You should have clean, oil free skin before you apply tanning products.

When you are getting something like this done, you would want to have a vibrant and youthful aura. In order to achieve this, you will need to apply under eye cream to your dark circles before putting on the product. This will help you get a natural glow.

Some products will recommend that you put some moisturizer on your skin before you apply the product. Mixing the tanning cream with some lotion will allow you to see the color that you want. Apply a little at a time so that you do not over do it on your first try.

It is important that you apply the same amount of sun self tanner face products on your neck and behind your ears. You do not want to miss these areas. Search for video tutorials online on how to do this right.

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How To Choose Sun Laboratories Products

By Hayqwood Hunter

At Sun Laboratories products can be purchased by anyone who would love an excellent tan. Their sunless tanning lotions are helping many North American citizens to achieve the look they desire without the need to tan in the sun. This is because, regardless of where you tan (at the beach or at home) exposure to the sun is known to damage the skin.

Films that are shown to the population highlight beautiful woman with radiant sun tans. Bo Derek in '10' is a shining example of this fact. This makes most people feel as if they should also look the same, which results in many damaging hours in the sun. Jack Nicklaus, the 'Golden Bear', sets an example for men, and creates a need for them to also look good in this way. The need for self-tanning and skin care products in relation to the sun have therefore become very popular.

With our changing environment, the sun's rays have become even more damaging. This creates a problem for those who want to tan. The Ultra Violet rays of the sun cause skin melanomas, also referred to as skin cancer. It is rather shocking to note that a few years back, in 2009, melanomas were found in over 62,000 people in North America. Those who treat their condition early can expect a survival rate of about 97%, but this percentage drops to only 15% for those with cancers detected at a later stage in their development.

People have begun to protect themselves more from the sun, by applying sunscreens and by keeping in the shade at midday. People are also warned of high UV ray levels. Some have even resorted to staying out the sun completely, and rather making use of tanning salons that are equipped with tanning beds. This choice is not as wise as you may think, because tanning beds are just as bad as the sun itself.

Research conducted by the Canadian Cancer Society shows that people who use tanning beds are more likely to develop melanoma by 75%, in comparison to those in the sun. The beds have a tendency to damage the skin, causing brown spots and wrinkles. They will also accelerate the aging process.

Golden complexions are therefore unsafe to obtain in any other way apart from by the use of self-tanning merchandise. With these items, there is no reason why a person shouldn't have the skin tone they desire. There is no longer the need to spend hours in the sun damaging our skin. At local stores, or from online stores, you can choose products with various methods of applications.

Self-tan creams have different intensities. A person with a lighter skin color should choose a light to medium tan result, and a person with a darker shade of skin can choose a dark tan option. These creams and lotions allow a person to tan without the need for the sun, and will not cause any skin damages.

Online, from Sun Laboratories products range from self-tanning creams to other skin enhancers, such as exfoliates and moisturizers. The company also sells sunscreens of all varieties as we simply cannot avoid the sun altogether. A person who is considering working to help others achieve wonderful-looking skin, will definitely find all that is needed from Sun Laboratories.

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Create The Best Indoor Tanning Experience With Mystic Spray Tan

By Haywood Hunter

There is nothing wrong with getting a bit of sun, in fact it is quite good for you but too much can lead to premature aging and increase your risk of skin cancer. If you want to maintain that golden glow of your skin there are better options. With Mystic spray tan you can nourish your skin and keep a nice healthy color.

For the greatest amount of benefit they only use natural ingredients that also nourish and protect your skin. The formula therefore does more good and less harm. The botanical extracts that are used are some of the healthiest in the world.

There are a range of natural tones that you can choose from to perfectly match the skin tone you want to achieve. With added Aloe Vera, Acia and green tea your skin is also replenished and renewed. These mop up free radicals and unlike excessive sun exposure they reverse the effects of aging rather than promoting it.

If you just want a hint of color you can use Build Glow. The Build range also includes three more shades that get progressively darker. To enhance this color and for a range of other benefits there are also take home products that will also allow you to create the perfect results yourself.

One of the things that is known about self tanning products is that the developing reaction of DHA has an unpleasant odor. This is not so in this product which has ingredients that counteract that. Other harmful substances that are often used such as bronzers and parabens are also kept out of these products.

You can get the ultimate experience at HD salons where Mystic spray tan is applied in a room where you are washed in warm air that keeps you comfortable and dry while ensuring deeper penetration and longer lasting results. Overall there is no other product that will give the same results.

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Sunless Tan Lotion Best Ways Of Taking Care Of Your Needs

By Haywood Hunter

In the course of selecting a Sunless Tan Lotion Best choice for you is to understand more about it. This is a product that will not only yield fast results but also safe. It works through influencing the epidermal protein on your skin. This brings out the hue. The effects vanish when the cells eventually die off. At most, this takes seven days to get off.

When you compare lotions to sprays, the Sunless Tan Lotion Best tend to last long. This will give you value for your hard earned cash. Gain the Sunless Tan Lotion Best results gradually and builds the hue for you over a couple of days. You ought to learn how this works especially when you are about to build the right color over time. If you are new and want to have a subtle tan, you ought to be comfortable with the gradual progress.

The best thing is that Sunless Tan Lotion Best works when not taken as a one-day affair. This means that you can maintain a constant hue as long as you need it. You can control the gradualness of the tanners. This means, in as little as two to three hours, you can have a bronze glow you have always wanted. The products come in handy when you need a quick tan for a special occasion.

The market is awash with brands from different firms. When making your choice of Sunless Tan Lotion Best method to achieve this is to ensure that the product you choose works to protect your skin as well as improve on its hue. In short, the lotion works without the need of sunshine. This means that you do not have to expose yourself to health risks resulting from sun rays.

There is no better way than trusting the Sunless Tan Lotion Best to handle your tanning process. In addition, you will enjoy quick results that can be maintained as long as you want to. These products work to stain the skin unlike regular tanners that are washed off easily. You need something that goes skin deep and only goes away after a few days.

These lotions help you when in need of the effects to stand for longer. In fact, dermatologists take the first step to recommend the products to their patients who need darker hues. Sunless Tan Lotion Best gives results compared than using tanning salons that are known to use UV rays. The rays may expose you to additional problems later.

Drug stores have Sunless Tan Lotion Best for any type of skin. When beginning, it may be a bit overwhelming when it comes to choosing the best option. You need to know more about the active ingredient in the product first. Dihydroxyacetone or DHA is a naturally derived chemical from plants. Sunless Tan Lotion Best reacts with amino acids on your skin and leaves a darker hue.

The more you use the Sunless Tan Lotion Best results may emerge from this. The decision to choose a product should be guided by the reviews it gets. When selecting the Sunless Tan Lotion Best ways to make your choice should be through your natural complexion. Ensure you look for indication of the extent of the tan produced. If your skin is naturally pale, do not go for a super dark tan. If your skin is already darker, a super light one will not make an impact.

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Tips You Have To Try For Perfect Skin

By Philip Michael

You will never have great skin for a long time by just focusing on one or the other. There are many things that you can be done to create healthier skin. Some terrific advice can be found here.

Exfoliating is important if there is dead skin on your face. Using exfoliating gloves, exfoliating glove, or plain granulated sugar can help get rid of dead skin on your face. To prevent skin damage and irritation, follow this routine no more than twice a week.

Exfoliating is important if there is dead skin cells from your face that won't come off with normal washing. Using an exfoliating glove, exfoliating glove, or plain granulated sugar can help get rid of dead skin on your face. To keep from causing damage to your skin, only do this one or two times a week.

Your skin is affected by what you take in. If you would like clear skin, you need to give it vitamins and nutrients. Digestion is often linked to the quality so this is certainly true in that area. One excellent way to improve your digestion is by incorporating proper amounts of fiber intake. Your skin will both thank you when you consume more fiber.

You can also put this container in warm bowl with water until it becomes warm.

Remember that your lips as well. The air tends to get dry during the wintertime. If you leave your lips without moisturizer during the winter, your lips can get very dry and crack, which can lead to pain that is very unpleasant.

Vitamin H can really help your skin quality. Your skin will regain its natural glow if your Vitamin H is at a healthy level.

Jasmine is an excellent extract is an excellent way to add moisture to dry skin. Your skin will glow when you use jasmine extract. This extract is chock full of antioxidants which will make your skin instantly. Jasmine can be hard to find, but is easily available on the Internet. It may also significantly higher in price than other moisturizers.

Your skin is affected by the many organs that benefits from a healthy diet. If you want to have better looking skin, make sure you provide your body with all the nutrition it needs. Digestion plays a part in the way your skin.One excellent way to better digestion is by incorporating proper amounts of fiber in your diet. Your skin and digestive system will appreciate the extra fiber in your diet.

Having been mentioned already, skin is a major show of your wonderful health and your great beauty. By following the advice in this article, your skin will thank you, and you will be well-pleased with the results of your efforts to take care of it.

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Hammer Curls and Bicep Curls

If you want to stay healthy you're going to have to exercise. The old adage what you don't use, you lose is true. Your muscles need to remain active or they atrophy. Exercise improves circulation and keep your heart in good condition with aerobics.

Exercise comes in many forms to include running, walking, swimming, all kinds of sports, and weightlifting. Some involve aerobics, which exercises the heart and improves circulation. Other exercises work on various muscle groups to help tone them and keep them working effectively.

Weightlifting, when done properly forces your body to build new muscle mass to compensate for the stress that you put on it. Depending on your desired effect, you lift heavy or light weights and you adjust the repetitions. You can also put emphasis on certain muscle groups that you might want to develop due to weaknesses in that area.

If your biceps need work there couple of exercises that are excellent for developing muscle mass and tone in that area. Depending on who you talk to, there are two types of basic bicep exercises you should pay attention to. What one is the hammer curl and the other is a regular curl. Which one is best?

Regular curls are performed with the palms up holding the weights. Depending on the repetitions in the amount of weight used, this is an excellent way to build bicep muscles. It specifically targets the bicep muscles only and focuses all your attention there.

The hammer curls are also an excellent way to build up your bicep muscles, however they are done in a slightly different way. Unlike the regular curls, holding the weights, you rotate your hands inward. In this way you can exercise those biceps effectively. In addition, you can also work forearms. Now you're working two muscle groups at the same time.

Which one is better? With the hammer curls, you could say you're getting the benefits of working two muscle groups rather than just one. You are working your biceps effectively, but at the same time you're also working those forearms. With the regular curls to only working the biceps.

The best answer is probably what effect do you want? If you only concerned about working those biceps because that is the area that you need to improve on, regular curls would probably do the job if you're looking to work both your biceps and your forearms. He wants consider the hammer curls.
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The 6 Best Exercises For Guaranteed Weight Loss

Weight loss has been a burning topic for discussion for decades. The topic has gained even more relevance in the 21st century. Today's collapsing economy and competitive market have forced people to work odd hours and lose focus of their health. Most of the young executives in multi-national companies have no time to eat their meals properly let alone exercise regularly. The inevitable result of this unhealthy lifestyle has been unhealthy fat accumulation and obesity in young people. What's even worse is that there are hundreds of fake weight loss systems and therapies doing the rounds of the market. These therapies usually cost a fortune but yield little to no results. So here are some extremely easy yet effective workout routines that are guaranteed to shed the extra pounds.
Just a note of caution though before we get to the interesting part. The exercise routine needs to be followed with dedication for at least a few months. If you stop after seeing some initial results, your lost weight and fat will be back in no time. So here we go:

1) Spot Running Or Jogging
This is still the best way to work your muscles and lose weight. This is best suited for people who do not have the time or means to go for full-fledged running. The exercise is pretty simple. You have to find yourself a free spot, maybe in your living room or on the roof. Do some light warm up and then start jogging slowly on the spot. For the first few days you might tire pretty quickly. So keep the tempo of the exercise slow and do it for about 10 to 15 minutes. After the first week, increase the speed and also try to increase the duration by five minutes every third day. If you do the exercise every day, by the end of the month you should be able to start spot running.

2) Running Or Jogging
There is no exercise like early morning running or jogging. Try to do it at a park or on a lonely road. The earlier in the day you start the better. In the first week, keep yourself limited to running for about 20 - 25 minutes with breaks in between. Do not try to push yourself too much. If you do it regularly then you will be able to run for half an hour at a stretch in no time. When you run, your whole body and most of the core muscle groups get worked. After a month or so, you will definitely see changes in your weight and in your body.

3) Sit ups Or Crunches
Well, from my personal experience I can say that this exercise is very helpful and super effective at the same time. You need to lie on your back on a smooth surface and then move your heels closer to your buttocks while keeping the knees together. Keep your hands locked under your head. Once you are in position, sit up like you want to touch your knees with your head. Even if you cannot touch your knees, go as close as possible. Use only your stomach muscles while you get up. For the first few times you may not be able to repeat more than 2 or 3 times. Do 3 sets of the same reps with at least 2 minutes break between each set. Take a day off between each stomach exercise. Increase the sets and reps as you go along.

4) Swimming
This is probably the best full body exercise that can be done without using any equipment. If you have a swimming pool at your home then nothing can be better than that. Else get enrolled at a local swimming club and go for morning, evening or even night swimming sessions. Do your laps of the pool as per your stamina. Use your best judgement as losing stamina in the middle of a lap can be dangerous. While you swim, the muscle groups of your thighs, arms, back, waist, abdomen and lower legs get worked intensively. If you swim regularly you will be losing weight faster than you thought possible.

5) Climbing Stairs
You have no idea how effective this little change in your lifestyle can be as far as your fitness is in concern. All of us are used to taking the elevators at work and sometimes we use them to ascend or descend only 2 or 3 flight of stairs. Of course if you are in a hurry you should always use the elevators. But if you are going for a snack or coming back from the cafeteria, try to climb the stairs. Taking the stairs each day can really help you lose excess calories and build stamina. I have witnessed my friend lose 22 Pounds in two months by just controlling his diet and taking the stairs in the office each day for two months. You can also get those amazing results.

6) Bicycling
Another very effective yet often overlooked method of exercise. Some people use the static bicycles for exercise but I say nothing beats the real one. I have lost extra pounds a number of times in the past by cycling heavily. If you can go to and come back from work on your cycle that will be even better than setting aside time for this activity. Most cities now-a-days provide special cycling tracks for people so you should not have to worry about traffic. The constant changes in road elevation and undulations can challenge your muscles effectively and work your muscles more. This kind of deviations in workout difficulty cannot be obtained from static cycles.

Important things to remember before you start your workout routine

1) Always eat something very light like a glass of milk and a toast before exercising. If you exercise with an empty stomach you can feel dizzy at times.
2) Never go for swimming with a full stomach. You can get cramps.
3) Do not push yourself too much. Your stamina will be built slowly over time.
4) Do not feel disappointed if you do not see any marked difference after a couple of weeks. After all, the extra pounds you want to get rid of were not accumulated in one day.
Always keep your goal in your mind. Whenever you want to feel the urge to quit, visualize yourself with a lean fir body. Controlling diet along with exercise is a must if you want to lose weight and keep fit. Soon I will be back with an article about healthy diet while working out to help lose weight.
It is my effort to create a blog that will talk about anything and everything under the sun. It will publish my or the public's take on every hot topic and it is set to be the biggest blog ever!! Find more from me at
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Thursday 29 August 2013

Everything One Need To Understand In Relation To Giesee Sun Reviews

By Haywood Hunter

One may opt to have their skin tone lightened or darkened to a color that they love. In the previous years, this practice was not very common due to the dangers exposed by the methods used then. These days, the practice is not uncommon since a lot of research and modifications have been done to the old methods. The use of Giesee Sun Reviews is increasingly gaining popularity.

There are many reasons why people have resulted to the use of Giesee Sun Reviews that change their skin tone to a color that they love. One such reason is because they are safe for use. As stated before, lots of research and testing has been done on these products and they have been branded safe for use. This means that they neither affect the normal moisture in the skin nor any other aspect of the skin that makes it function well.

One other reason is the fact that Giesee Sun Reviews come in many different varieties. This implies that one can get a product to use on any kind of skin. Whether one wants a light skin, brown or a dark tan, Giesee Sun Reviews are so many in the market that one cannot possibly lack one for their skin type. It also does not matter whether ones skin is oily, dry or sensitive since there is a product for each kind of skin.

Nobody wants to have stained hands after applying Giesee Self reviews. It is for this reason that manufacturers of Giesee Sun Reviews have manufactured them in such a manner that this does not happen to any user. Giesee Sun Reviews is easily absorbed in your membrane after application and they do not leave any stains on your hands. In case the process is slow, some accelerators are used to speed it up with they aim of achieving a uniformly glowing look.

There are also exfoliates to remove dead skin on the body before embarking on the process of self-tanning. This implies that the results become longer lasting. It would not make sense if one had to use a Giesee Sun Reviews like every day to ensure that the results remain intact. It would be tiresome and boring.

Giesee Sun Reviews have also been known to protect your skin against the harmful ultra violet rays from the sun which affects the membrane if exposed for long. This simply shows that the use of Giesee Sun Reviews is even much safer than using the tanning beds which are known to cause early aging. They not only produce good and lasting results, but also go a step further to protect it against other various effects.

Applying Giesee Sun Reviews involve an easy procedure. They are available in most stalls in the market. Therefore, you do not require hiring an expert to apply Giesee Sun Reviews on you. Unlike some techniques like plastic surgery, one can do it at the comfort of their homes.

An individual does not have to pay more money like before in order to achieve a good tan. It is important to understand skin type before buying Giesee Sun Reviews. Do not forget to adhere to instructions given by a manufacturer.

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Incredible Benefits Of Dark Sunsation Lotion On Your Skin

By Haywood Hunter

Dark Sunsation Lotion is created for all types of skins. This means that it can be applied on the most sensitive skin without any damage. It darkens the skin all over the body giving you an excellent appearance. The look is predictable since extensive tests have been carried out during development.

It takes a few minutes to get your desired look since the Dark Sunsation lotion is instant acting. This means that application is part of natural grooming maneuvers and not a tedious exotic process. You do not require several days to feel the effect. The change is live on the mirror as you rub it on your body. The skin appears stronger and the body looks slimmer.

A thoroughly researched DHA formula is used in combining the many ingredients used to produce the Dark Sunsation Lotion. They are natural organic sugars with no dangerous side effects on any type of skin. This combination gives you a glowing, hydrated and tanned skin. The appearance is achieved without the risk of exposure to harmful UV light. You have a confident look when stepping out since it has dried up already.

Dark Sunsation Lotion has more benefits than tanning your skin. It does not expose you to the danger of skin cancer as opposed to harmful UV light. You can personally make the application without the need for expert assistance. This preserves your privacy and saves both time and money. An even application leaves you without streaks or patches. The difference is visible.

Dark Sunsation Lotion does not require a professional beautician during application. This means that you can apply it at home without having to visit a beauty parlor. This is a fast and economical option saving you time and expenses for a professional beautician. The appearance is believable and natural lasting several weeks. This will open doors to numerous opportunities by making you more confident with your appearance.

Unlike other brands, Dark Sunsation Lotion has a variety of pleasant smells. The areas where application is not effective are easy to trace. This allows you to rework them, giving you an even tone. This tan is not left on bedding or cloths when they come into contact. You will be comfortable to step out immediately after application. You have the freedom to put on any color of cloths.

You are provided with adequate and easy to follow instructions on the best way to achieve various shades using the Dark sunsation Lotion. Your legs look incredible without a hose. Different shades are possible with several layers. This does not consume the entire bottle of lotion. The appearance remains a magical purchase for anyone interested in achieving a desirable appearance.

Use of natural components ensures that the Dark Sunsation Lotion is friendly to different skin types. It produces magical results even to the very sensitive skin. The appearance appears natural and rich without side effects on the short or long term. You will appear tanned all year, either in winter or summer. The skin appears healthy, moisturized and smooth after application of the Dark Sunsation Lotion.

Reasonable pricing of Dark Sunsation Lotion makes it accessible and affordable. This gives you value for money. This has allowed celebrities and beauticians maintain their image globally. Your expectations will be met in this choice.

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