There are five great exercises that hardly anyone does, yet most people probably should be doing. Why they get ignored or passed over is a combination of lack of information along with difficulty. Often people shy away from the really hard stuff. However in the case of fitness and working out, the purpose is to work hard and challenge yourself, is it not?
For those people specifically looking to build their bodies for show, these exercises are not that important. However people who want to be more functionally active and athletic should pay attention! They help with balance, core and hip strength, flexibility, and explosive power. These are all great things to have that will help in your day to day life as well as in athletic pursuits. That is why these big five exercises are labeled as critical to helping with fitness.
The Big 5 for Fitness
· Clean and Press - This exercise has quite a few different names and varieties, but to be clear we will explain exactly what we mean. You start with a barbell (or dumbbells) on the ground. The lift begins like a deadlift, but you power past the waist, dipping your hips while you let momentum assist the bar going up. Then you flip your wrist and arms to settle the weight at shoulder height before pressing overhead. This is a great explosive movement that takes coordination and involves basically the entire body.
· Pull-Ups (arched back) - Pull-ups are a very good upper body builder. When you arch the back the exercise engages virtually all of the pulling muscles. Think about any sport. Almost all involve some motion that can utilize a strong back, biceps, or forearms.
· Renegade Rows - This is a wonderful hybrid movement that combines push-ups, single arm rows, and a constant plank position to put tension on the abs and core muscles. You hold a dumbbell in each hand in a push-up position. You do a single push-up and then balance to perform a single arm row with the left and then right arm. Along with tone and strength, this one helps with coordination as well.
· Overhead Squat - Some people might think this exercise is a bad idea, but that only occurs when you try and use a very heavy weight. When done properly with a lighter weight this exercise helps work most of the body including the core and hips which are vital to athletic ability. You simply press a weight overhead and keep it there using your shoulders and arms, and then perform squats. The constant tension is murder while your body also works hard to stay balanced.
· Kettlebell Swings - This can be done with a kettlebell or dumbbell. It is another great explosive exercise that involves the hips and shoulders to help with flexibility, coordination, and strength. You start holding the bell in front of your body with a two handed grip. The feet are shoulder width apart (or a bit wider). You then squat down and back slightly, letting the bell travel down and back with arms straight while you lean forward slightly. As the weight gets near your glutes you use your shoulders and back muscles to start the swing in the other direction with a hard pull. As the weight passes between your legs you should explode up, adding more power to the swing to help the weight travel up over head height. Then simply reverse the motion and keep going.
The Bottom Line
The theme for these exercises is all virtually the same; strength, endurance, explosive power, balance, and coordination builders. If you are a serious athlete, weekend warrior, or just want to get in better functional shape then you need to be doing these exercises.
Ben Sanderson writes for You can find great tips and tricks from Ben as well as product reviews on the latest protein supplement by Optimum Nutrition.
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