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Thursday, 14 March 2013

Build Bigger Biceps With These 5 Exercises

Build bigger biceps is something everyone is after in their muscle building routine. Everyone wants to have huge arms, and biceps tend to be the main muscle noticed by others. When you achieve big biceps, you are not only showing off some amazing arms, but also giving off the impression that you are serious and dedicated to your workout.
It is also very important to remember that the triceps muscle comprises a very large component of the arm, so you must not neglect your triceps work either. By doing this, you will achieve the perfect balance of what you need from your arms, to see your desired results when you try to build bigger biceps.
The following are the five best exercises that have been proven to help you build bigger biceps. Remember you can always add rows and pull-downs to your regular routine to further your progress.
1. Barbell Biceps Curls
The first biceps exercise you should be performing is barbell biceps curls. This exercise will allow you to overload those biceps with a heavy weight. Most trainees are slightly stronger when lifting a barbell versus a set of dumbbells, so this is a great one for maximum strength development.
When performing the exercise, it is important to make sure you are not cutting the movement pattern short and you're not allowing momentum to cause you to lean backwards as you hoist the weight upwards. Slow and controlled is your desired momentum!
2. Incline Dumbbell Curls
The second exercise to add is incline dumbbell curls. This exercise is one of the best to help prevent that momentum issue from happening as we just discussed since it essentially restricts the movement of the back.
When doing this exercise you will feel maximum tension on the biceps muscle belly, so don't be embarrassed to lower the weight. As long as you're pushing yourself hard, using the lower weight but maintaining proper form will be the way to go for results.
3. Cable Curls
A great exercise to target the deep tissue muscle fibers when trying to build bigger biceps are cable curls. Since the pattern of movement is less stable with this movement, due to the constant tension provided by the cable, you will call all the stabilization muscles surrounding the biceps into play as you execute the exercise.
You can use a variety of different attachments to perform the cable curls including a rope, a straight bar, or rotating cable handles that allow you to work a single arm at a time.
4. Reverse Grip Rows
Hopefully at this point you are including regular straight rows to your workout program so to increase your progress, you may also want to consider adding reverse grip rows as well. These are going to place a slightly greater stress on the biceps muscles as opposed to straight rows so they will be a better exercise for strictly targeting the biceps, and will greatly help you to build bigger biceps.
5. Concentration Curls
Finally, the last of the exercises to consider helping you build bigger biceps are concentration curls. When done while sitting, these will also limit the degree momentum plays in the execution of the exercise and place all the emphasis right on the biceps muscle.
If you're performing this exercise correctly, take note that there will be no helper muscles called into play. For these reasons, we would consider this exercise to be a good one to add in at the very end of your workout when you're really looking to finish off the biceps and fully exhaust them.

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