My 7 Best Reasons Why Having A Bit Of Muscle On Your Body Is Good For Your Long Term Health.
Building muscle is not just for body builders. There are so many benefits to carrying a little muscle on your frame that focussing on building lean muscle should be at the top of everyone's health and fitness to do list.
Forget getting big and bulky, especially if you're a woman. Getting that much lean muscle on a woman's body is possible only with steroids and years of heavy training and incredibly disciplined dieting and supplementation. If you look closely at the professional female physique competitors you will notice that while they do have a large amount of muscle on their bodies, it's lean and defined, not big and bulky (think Arnold Schwarzenegger). In fact if you met one of these dedicated and disciplined ladies face to face you would be surprised by how petite they actually are.
Let me assure you, having a toned lean physique is more than pleasing to the eye, it's beneficial to your long term health in so many ways. That's why I've written this article to encourage you to put some lean muscle on your body.
Here are 7 of my best reasons to build a little muscle:
1. Muscle burns calories even when you're resting
Every kilogram of muscle burns 10 Calories per day. That's the equivalent of 5kg of body fat over a year for each kilogram of lean muscle mass.
2. Muscle uses calories to move
Muscle is lean weight that costs energy to carry around therefore it burns even more calories.
3. Muscle reduces blood sugar levels
Muscle is highly effective at using blood sugars for energy, so helps keep your insulin levels down, which in turn helps you stay lean.
4. Muscle prevents falls
Muscle helps you stay strong and on your feet. And if you do fall, strong legs, arms and abdominals help you stabilise.
5. Muscle makes it easier to do stuff
The stronger you are the easier it is to carry shopping bags, kids or just about anything else you need to lug around.
6. Muscle makes your bones stronger
Weight bearing strength training helps bones stay strong and reduces your risk of osteoporosis later in life.
7. Muscle makes you look better
Reducing body fat makes you look smaller, but toned muscles give you a fit, lean, athletic look.
So come on, add a little muscle to your life.
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