Having a slim and trim body in time for beach season is something that is sought after by almost everyone. Not everyone can be skinny and toned, though, by just exercising lightly and eating right. Some bodies take more work to burn off those extra pounds and extra flab. This article will explain great ways to trim down your body, and build up a nice base of muscle tone for the beach.
Running Every Other Day
This is something that almost anyone can do, but this means you must dedicate your time to making sure you get it done. Running about 5 miles a day will keep your metabolism up and keep those pounds off. A nice trick to boost your fat burning in your body is to run in the mornings before breakfast. A quick jog for about thirty minutes in the morning can burn more calories and keep your body burning off extra calories all day. Do this every other day and you'll be on your way to a very trim and healthy body.
Eating Right
Trimming down doesn't just require running every other day. In order to lose weight, you have to limit the amount of fat that you put into your body. If you maintain the unhealthy diet while trying to exercise the rest off, then you will merely maintain your same body type and, in most cases, this will be a frustrating occurrence. Limit your fatty foods and eat more vegetables to keep yourself full. There is no limit to the amount of vegetables you can eat throughout the day. Along with eating right, make sure to drink lots of water to keep your body hydrated, and also flush out any extra sugars or salts your body doesn't need that you've consumed throughout the day.
Hit The Gym
If you want that muscle tone, you're going to have to stimulate your muscles in one way or another. You can do this in many different ways, but most people prefer to just do basic weight training at the gym. You don't need to use tremendous amounts of weight, but it's important that you do this on the days that you aren't running or biking. Weight training along with eating right and running will tone your body within a mere two weeks and you'll begin to feel healthy, look better and have tons more energy than you used to have before.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5710223