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Thursday 28 March 2013

Exercises For Fat Loss At Home With Your Own Gym

The incredible health benefits of getting regular exercise are no secret, yet there are still, on average sixty percent of American adults that do not get enough exercise, while a staggering twenty-five percent of the population makes no attempt to exercise at all. Exercising for health and exercising for fat loss at home have never been more convenient. Regardless of whether this comes from an hour of structured fitness or simple housecleaning, getting active will help you strengthen your heart and other muscles while keeping your body fat down and your energy up.
Creating your own home gym will not only help you get and stay healthy, it will help you become more consistent in your workouts because there is no need to pay extra fees for memberships, drive in crazy traffic to get to and from your gym and most importantly, any time you can grab just 10 minutes for yourself, you have time to fit in some exercise.
Many studies have shown that the more active are, the better your overall health will be. There is a direct correlation between exercising for fat loss at home on your own personal gym equipment and a lowered risk of diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, colon cancer and many bone, muscle and joint problems.
Now, if this isn't enough to help you realize the endless possibilities and benefits of having your own home gym studies also show that as little as 10 minutes of physical fitness can help relieve stress and elevate your mood so that you function better mentally and emotionally.
Two other great factors about working out at in the privacy of your own home are that you don't have to exercise for hours a day, anywhere from 10 to 60 minutes is perfect for most people depending on your goal. If you need a stress break, spend 10 minutes walking outdoors or on a treadmill, or maybe grab 10 minutes of yoga before you have to go pick up the kids.
If your goal is fat loss how about jumping on the treadmill or popping in a cardio fitness DVD for 30 to 60 minutes before the rest of the family gets up for the day? Or even better, how about making the time for fitness at home after everyone has left the house for the day?
The second great factor about exercising for fat loss at home is that you don't need a lot of equipment to build your own home gym, and you build it at your pace. If you are interested in getting started with DVDs all you need is a DVD player and a fitness DVD that includes cardio, strength work and stretching. Once you have these two items you are set for at least 12 weeks before you really need to change things up.
Next you could purchase some resistance bands and a second DVD that uses resistance bands and now you have two workouts you can alternate for the next 12 weeks and you have still spent less than $100 for 24 weeks of fitness. Of course you could always add walking to the mix giving you a third form of exercise and walking is free!
Over the months and years you can slowly begin adding other fitness equipment. As your exercise pallet changes you may find yourself purchasing more DVDs so that you eventually have a nice little collection that affords you a different workout every day. You will also most likely find yourself purchasing various sets of weights over the years.
Don't worry about space, in a small corner of my living room behind the sofa I store a short step, two kettlebells, three sets of dumbbells, two yoga blocks, a yoga mat, my stability ball, 60 lbs of barbell plates and a barbell as well as a 12 lb medicine ball. I pull out what I need when I workout then I store the equipment back in the corner when I am done.
I also know a lot of people who have converted extra bedrooms and garages into their own personal gym space.
Another great benefit of working out from home is that you don't have the distraction of other people and you don't have to worry about the cleanliness of the equipment.
Everyone can benefit when exercising for fat loss at home with their own home gyms. You can find many reviews of some of the best equipment available right on your computer and when you go into the stores to actually see the equipment so see how it will fit in your home you will be allowed to try the equipment out if you are dressed appropriately.
Are You Finally Ready To Lose The Fat And Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life? Ditch The Over Crowded,Germ Filled, Expensive Gym And Join The Home Fitness Community Where We Share Tips On Successfully Exercising For Fat Loss And Overall Health At Home.
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Wednesday 27 March 2013

Which Type of Exercise Is Best for Fat Loss?

I often get asked about the type of exercise you should do to burn more fat, flatten your stomach and hips, and to look and feel better.
If you categorize any exercise, it will generally fall primarily into one of the main categories:
1. Cardio-vascular exercise
2. Strength training
And I would add a third category for fat loss:
3. Nutrition
Lets now take a detailed look into all three categories to determine which one you need to focus on.
Cardio-vascular Exercise
Cardio-vascular exercise - or simply, cardio - is anything that elevates the heart rate for a continued period.
Popular examples include running, jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics classes, Zumba, walking or dancing.
The good news is that cardio can burn a large amount of fat, among other positive health benefits including heart and lung health.
The problem, however, is that once the cardio stops, so does the majority of fat burning. For a beginner, this is fine, as a small amount of cardio will result in large returns.
However once you build a reasonable amount of cardio fitness, the benefits continue at a rate of diminishing returns. After a while - several months - you will need to do more and more cardio to continue getting benefits.
In today's time-poor society, this is not an ideal way to stay healthy in the long term.
Strength Training
Strength training can include anything that provides resistance. For example, weight machines, body weight, Pilates and calisthenics.
When you perform such exercise repeatedly, your body will build more muscle. Muscle tissue, even when it is inactive, requires calories to maintain its current form.
Basically this means that muscle requires more calories to survive. This results in a higher caloric burn (What fitness professionals call your basal metabolic rate), which in turn burns higher amounts of body fat.
This is my preferred form of exercise for fat loss for that reason - it burns more fat and permanently elevates your metabolism.
Nutrition is by far the most important of the three. There is a saying that goes, "You can NOT out-train a poor diet."
This means that no matter how many hours per week you train, if your diet is not clean and consisting of the right foods, you will NOT be able to create permanent and long-term change.
In summary, the most important form of exercise is that which is made up of resistance exercise.
However keep in mind, that no matter how hard you train, if your diet is made up of the wrong foods, you will not progress.
Check out for more information.

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