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Wednesday 27 February 2013

Sexual Performance and Exercise - Does Exercise Improve Sexual Performance?

When it comes to adding a boost to your sexual life, starting a cardio training program is the way to go. Not only that cardio workouts are the perfect training recipe for shedding weight, improving stamina and endurance level; they're also ideal for charging up your sexual experience and making it more pleasant and enjoyable. Therefore, if getting into the best shape of your life is not a big motivator for you to start cardio training, what about improving your sexual life?
However, many people are bent no to see how cardio training-or any other form of exercise-leads to better sexual life. For that, here are some of the ways that regular exercise lead-directly or indirectly-to better sexual experience and stamina the in bedroom.
Cardio Improves Endurance
One thing that most people agree on is that cardio training is the best training tool for improving endurance. Workouts programs such as running, cycling or swimming are cardiovascular exercises per excellence. On the other hand, good sexual performance requires a basic level of endurance, otherwise you won't last much in the bedroom-especially if your partner is young and wild. Luckily, you can improve on the facet of your sexual life by taking up cardio on a regular basis. Good stamina is the back-bone of healthy life and performance, whether in the board-room or the bed-room.
Cardio Makes You Feel Sexier
According to most studies conducted on sexual problems and self-image issues, the healthier and the fitter the person, the more likely he is going to enjoy a better sexual experience. In addition, people who exercise on a regular basis have, for the most part, a better self-image and sexual attitude over sedentary people. Therefore, the more you exercise, the confident you get, and the sexier you feel. All this lead to being eager to have more sex and enjoying it even more.
Cardio Reduces Erectile Dysfunction
For a man, erectile dysfunction can bring sexual performance to a permanent halt. Add to that the psychological scars that leave most men with mental and intimacy issues. No one wants to be that guy who just couldn't "bring it". Luckily, many studies have linked high rates of erectile dysfunction with people leading sedentary lifestyle.
The dreadful condition is caused, for the most part, by circulatory problems. Any cardiovascular problem or irregularity such as high blood pressure, blocked arteries can increase the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. Nevertheless, cardio training improves circulation and fights off most heart-related diseases, thus reducing the chances of suffering from erectile dysfunction.
Too Much Cardio
Doing cardio 24/7 won't make out of you a sex god. Right on the contrary, do too much exercise, then expect troubles in the sex department. In fact, overtraining leads to a myriad of health problems such as weight gain, fatigue, loss of sexual appetite, insomnia, chronics injuries. The list goes on.
As result, moderation is key. Make sure to take ample recovery-especially after a hard training session. The best way to do so is to space out your training days with an off day. Doing so ensures recovery and help keep the nightmare of overtraining at bay.

Aerobics and Fat Loss

Starting an aerobics program has many benefits, one of which is that an aerobics program can help you burn fat in ways that are easier on your body, and usually more permanent, than dieting. One of the reasons it's very simple to burn fat using aerobics as exercise is that there are many ways for you to train your body to do the work involved in this sort of training. This helps you to get the most out of the training program that you are doing. For those who need to work on their cardiovascular health, aerobics can be a good way to begin. However, always consult your doctor before starting any exercise program.
The human heart beats approximately 60-80 times per minute at rest, and with every beat sends a volume of blood, along with oxygen and many other life-sustaining nutrients, circulating through your body.
Oxygen consumption and muscles
Oxygen is key because, once inside the muscle, it's used to burn fat and carbohydrates for fuel to keep our engines running. When your muscles consume oxygen efficiently, the more fuel you will burn. The more fuel you can burn, the more fit you can become. And the more fit you become, the longer you can exercise. As you bring new blood and oxygen into all of your body systems, you are going to find that you are giving yourself the best chance to really get rid of all that unwanted fat. Working hard to burn fat is something that you can finally take control of when you are doing aerobics on a regular basis.
All of the body's systems work hard to maintain body functions at a normal rate, and as you work harder your heart will have to work harder in order supply your muscles with more blood, and, thus, more oxygen. A hard working heart naturally means your lungs work harder in order to provide your heart with the oxygen that it needs to keep pumping. The circulating of the blood also carries much needed nutrients to the body's organs.
All of these factors are going to work in tandem to create a situation in which you are getting the most out of your entire work out. When all of these systems are working together, you'll find that you are much stronger than you thought you would be. Additionally, because your body is working harder you will notice that you are burning more and more fat since your body needs to burn more in order to keep moving and operate at a higher level. Luckily for you, this energy is in the stored pockets of fat that you have in your body. All of these things are going to happen quickly, and you will find that you are much better off the more you start to work out using aerobics more often.
For a good aerobic work-out, watch this video:
This isn't just about a program or a "system." It's about a lifestyle. The exercise and diet that you implement should all be a part of a healthy lifestyle. Don't look for that "magic" pill or that perfect system. Most fad diets fail. Your mind should be set on doing what you have to do to live a healthy, more productive lifestyle.
Learn as much as you can about what foods to eat and what exercises to do. You don't need to pay hundreds of dollars for a trainer or nutritionist. There are many resources out there so use them.
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