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Tuesday, 25 July 2017

Stress Can Change Your Body Morphology

By Kevin Lewis

What is morphology, and why is it worthy of our consideration? Morphology, according the dictionary (that old book, gathering dust on the shelf that we never seem to use anymore) can have different meanings depending upon its use in linguistics, biology or other scientific endeavors. Generally, however, morphology refers "form" and "structure." It relates to the shape of things, considered as a whole. When superheroes or characters from animated productions (cartoons) talk about "morphing" they are talking about changing shape. I, for one, would like to improve my morphology.

If we consider the structure or shape of something, would we not believe it to be a stable trait? The structure of something does not generally change, excepting of course the application of external force for that purpose, and allowances for biological developmental growth. I would like to suggest that morphology, specifically related to physiology, is not as stable and unchanging as we might expect. It may be that the morphology of our own bodies is continually changing in one way or another. Through the interplay of our environment, our behavioral reaction to that environment as well as our individual thoughts and feelings I believe that our bodies respond in very basic and fundamental ways, even to the point of altering morphology.

One might ask, "If morphology is constantly changing, why don't I notice it?" For the answer, we might look to something that, for centuries, has been considered a valuable source of understanding, -the eyes. The eyes, it is said, are the "Windows to the Soul." Through the eyes we might see the nature of an individual. We might see what he truly is. Through the eyes we might also be able get some idea of the relative health of an individual. Certainly it is possible for optometrists and ophthalmologists to identify high blood pressure and other physical maladies simply through examination of the eyes. The eyes might be considered early warning indicators of a variety of physical problems.

It has been suggested that mental struggles, among many other things, can actually have a deleterious effect upon the musculature surrounding the eye, and therefore eyesight. William H. Bates, M.D., in a book entitled "Better Eyesight Without Glasses" (1971, Pyramid Books, New York, NY) stated "under conditions of mental or physical discomfort, such as pain, cough, fever, discomfort from heat or cold, depression, anger, or anxiety, errors of refraction are always produced in the normal eye or increased in the eye in which they already exist(p. 29)." He went on to state "it has been demonstrated in thousands of cases that all abnormal action of the external muscles of the eyeball is accompanied by a strain or effort to see, and that with the relief of this strain the action of the muscles becomes normal and all errors of refraction disappear(p. 37)." This suggests that the way in which strain negatively impacts the eye is through a change in the form and function of the eye muscles; it changes their morphology.

Yet, one might ask, why is it that all of us, when we return to a normal restful state, do not have perfectly normal vision? Why is it that after a full night's sleep everyone's vision is not returned to normal? Dr. Bates informs us that "During sleep the refractive condition of the eye is rarely, if ever, normal (p. 28)," and that if our eyes are under a strain when we are awake, "that strain will certainly be continued during sleep, (pp. 41, 42)." Further, most of us would agree that we all know individuals who, even though ostensibly relaxed, have vision problems.

It would seem that the very structure and operation of the muscles surrounding the eye are changed by negative emotions. Perhaps that is why improvement of eyesight, even with the remarkable methods of Dr. Bates, takes a much longer time for older individuals than it does for younger ones. Maybe as patterns of behavior continue, their effects become more and more rigid. The morphological changes occurring as a result (including faulty vision) may become relatively fixed.

If we were to consider these principles more generally, we might include the effects of stress and strain upon the entire body, not just the eye. It has been said that stress can cause or is implicated in very large number of physical ailments. Some of these include heart disease, diabetes, asthma, obesity, depression, anxiety, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer's disease, chronic inflammation, premature aging and even premature death. Certainly some of these conditions would seem to imply a fundamental change in physical morphology. The result of stress and strain can be not simply a matter of subjectively feeling "stressed out." It can potentially be a matter of pathologically changing the very structure of our physical being.

It should be clear from the above that these are issues of great import. These are not issues that, like so many others, "I'll get around to, sometime." Ameliorating strain (the effects of stress) truly is something to deal with now, and of which to get the BENEFITS now!

Thankfully, achieving a deep and profoundly relaxed state is not an unattainable goal. It is not hard to "do." Ironically, it is actually about the absence of "doing," mentally speaking. While this is antithetical to our typical way of thinking (charging forward, multitasking and "getting things done"), it is essential for restoring us and counteracting the effects that stress would inflict upon us daily.

When advocating the important benefits of this relaxed and peaceful state, I have noticed that many (having been once informed) will state that they "just didn't get around to it," or "didn't have time." More than likely, I'm guessing that these are simply statements of avoidance. There can be many factors fueling avoidance such as "am I doing it right," "is it working the way it is supposed to," "will this really work for me?" While those may be legitimate concerns, focusing upon them actually works counter to the process. They short circuit it!

There are a multitude of sources for information about accessing this level of peace and quietude, in print, over the internet and likely even in our own communities. Please avail yourself of those resources and get started. It doesn't matter how "well" you do at them, just start to use them and make them habitual. They will improve your life.

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Sunday, 23 July 2017

The Importance Of Using Shakes For Menopause

By Kay Collins

Most women who are turning into 40 years may experience some decline in estrogens levels in their body. The onset of menopause could cause this. The condition is sometimes characterized by some uncomfortable symptoms as well. The various symptoms may include virginal dryness, increase in abdominal fat, decrease in sex drive, mood swings along with hot flashes. There are many kinds of treatment, but the mostly used could be soy products for menopause relief relieving techniques.

Scientific studies show that the onset of hormonal effects is directly proportional to the breast cancer effects at that given stage. Soy-based products are very important in treating the threats imposed by the hormone changes in a human body. They are also natural in content. The supplements may not have the same ingredient content since they are designed to treat different levels of conditions. Be sure about what you are supposed to take for your body.

The supplement treatment is also important in that it reduces the effect of some menopause symptoms. Experiencing some menopause effects could be a nightmare to most women. Taking products containing the soy-based phytoestrogens mostly reduces the pain undergone during any symptoms. However, patients are advised to take the products or not less than three months to be able to see some results.

Isoflavones are other types of supplements that can effectively reduce any condition. The chemical compositions of these supplements differ widely due to the effective objectives of the manufacturer. The content composition of each chemical is different. A specific consumption of a given supplement would lead to some level of treatment on some symptoms such as hot flashes.

The treatment is crucial since it prevents some heart problem risks on any patient. Patients that use the treatment method improve their bone density as well. The heart, as well as your bones, is crucial components in your body which may depend on the estrogen. The estrogen effects, therefore, cause low density in the bones and they also weaken your heart effectiveness.

The shakes treatment could help in minimizing the osteoporosis risks any patient could be exposed to during this kind of stage. The calcium level in any human body could be positively improved by the kind of treatment you undertake. Most women avoid the hormone replacement process and aim at getting this treatment since it is considered safer than the hormone replacement.

This kind of treatment is useful in the reduction of cholesterol content in any human body. LDL cholesterol content leads to some heart problems that may lead to death. The risk of such effects mostly affects old women at the menopause stage. The supplement consumption could sometimes result in low life expectancy. Taking some exercise could be another important aspect that any patient should undertake to minimize the cholesterol effects.

Before you take, any supplement, you must consult your doctor and get some professional advice as well. A competent physician will be able to advise you in the most appropriate way and give you direction on how to use the desired processes. Stating clearly what you desire to would be a good idea too. Some body-systems are allergic to some kinds of medicine and understanding what your body requires is significant.

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