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Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Find Out More About Online Nutrition Counseling

By Elizabeth Robinson

As the level of technology increases each and every day, we find everything concerning counseling a click away. People are no longer making long queues to get the service of a Nutritionist; they find it in websites and the social media; online nutrition counseling is easily accesible. This is bringing more good than harm since the websites are earning a tidy income due to the high data traffic.

Many people who require losing weight, women making a great number of these people due to obesity. The big tummies are no longer loved by women since they love flat tummies which make them have good shapes after they lose weight. In their urge to lose weight and have good shapes they look for Nutritionists who advise them on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and what to eat in order to get that desired shape, they book appointments in order to get these services.

When this counseling is online and easily accessible it has more merits to the people who are in dire need of nutritionists and everyone connected in cycle. Having a wider view of these merits we find the following. Less time is taken to find this counseling, it is accessible anytime as long as there is internet connection and people do not have to pay a lot of money unlike before to get the services and so on.

The past is gone and we are welcoming the present activities hence finding Nutritionist is within a fraction of a second. It was hard to find these professionals since there were a great number of people who required their advice to get on better healthy tips. Time which would be used to do other activities would be wasted in this process.

Nutritionists are highly attracted to the city centers since they have a good population of people who require their services. Traffic congestion is highly witnessed in these areas hence people who book for the appointment of these professionals are delayed on road hence they are not able to make it on the required time. Posting these services online is easy and people can no longer witness these traffic congestions and other challenges.

In every situation that has advantages we also find disadvantages, when this information is online several disadvantages follow. Loss of clients who were being served leads to shut down of the counselors offices, information is only limited for people who are educated, people who have no internet connection cannot grasp the information and counselors have to design good websites which attracts a good customer base.

When literate clients have access to this information all over the websites they find it unimportant to visit the counselors office since everything they require is on their fingertips. Counselors depend on the people from the middle-class level who are pushed to the lifestyle situations that calls for nutritional counseling hence their profits levels decline at a high rate. These professionals can no longer stay in idle without customers hence they find for other alternatives.

Its good to grow as technology grows and level of education goes higher. When every citizen is able to access these services the issues of poor nutrition are low. A healthy body calls for a wealthy mind.

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Information About Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

By Margaret Bailey

Advancements in technology are leading to the invention of better and new approaches to surgical procedures in all fields of medicine. Single incision laparoscopic surgery, often abbreviated as SILS also goes by several other names. Some of those names include Single-port laparoscopy (SPL), single-port incisionlless conventional equipment-using surgery, single-port access surgery (SPA), and Single-access endoscopic surgery. Additional names are natural-orifice trannsumbilical surgery (NOTUS), laparo-endoscopic singular-site surgery (LESS), and one-port umbilical surgery (OPUS).

SILS as a technique in laparoscopic surgery is still relatively new because it was only developed recently. Because this method utilizes a single entry point into the body, it is referred to as minimally invasive. The navel is the major entry point used on most patients. Only a small scar remains after the process has been done, which is one of the reasons why this process is preferred by many people.

Entry points are either 11mm or 22 mm incisions. One incision is utilized to minimize scarring and pain felt during and after the process. The use of one incision is opposed to the traditional laparoscopic procedure that uses multiple entry points. There are some of the most highly qualified specialists in SILS in New York. Therefore, it is quite advisable to consider visiting the city when in search of specialists in this process.

There are two categories of specialized surgical equipment used by SILS. The two broad categories are hand instruments and access ports instruments. Access ports instruments are of various types including the GelPOINT system, QuadPort+, TriPort15, Uni-X, SILS device, and TriPort+. The manufacturers of these instruments are different.

Conversely, there are three key configurations of hand instruments in use. They include articulating, pre-bent rigid, and standard configurations. It has taken over the past thirty years to develop standard hand tools. They are made with rigid design. The SPL reduced triangulation instrument problem was solved by the development of articulation hand instruments.

The choice of whether or not to use articulating or standard instruments usually lies with the surgeons. There are a few factors that influence the decision. Among these influential factors are access port used, cost, and surgical skills of a surgeon. Articulating instruments are very costly when compared to standard instruments. This procedure is made safer and more effective by the use of specialized instruments.

There is a high level of awareness of SILS among surgical doctors currently. However, it cannot be performed by any surgeon. The process is very complicated since it involves using specialized instruments through limited access space. Thus, surgical doctors who perform this process are often highly skilled and trained in surgical operation. That has made the use of this process limited and negative perceptions have followed from the public too.

SILS has been used on a wide variety of surgical procedures. Some major examples include colectomy, sleeve gastrectomy, adjustable gastric banding, sacrocolpopexy, hysterectomy, appendectomy, and nephrectomy among several others. Among European countries and the United States, standard instruments are being used more commonly compared to specialized instruments.

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