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Sunday, 24 February 2013

Cardio Training and A Healthy Heart

In a previous article I wrote about the benefits of cardio training and how it can help you to have a very healthy heart. The article I wrote was just about basic cardio workouts. In this article I am going to give you some benefits of cardio interval training and your heart health. This is a bit more advanced. I hope you get a lot out of what I am writing.
Everything to do with your health and fitness begins with a healthy heart. During our lifetimes we do things to enhance the hearts health and to harm it. The heart is basically just a muscle like any other muscle in your body. If you exercise it and get it working harder, it will get stronger. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, smoke, drink, eat a lot of fatty foods, etc., you will age it faster. There are some things we can't control like age, your gender, and anything that is hereditary. What we can control is what we eat. Cut out fatty foods and eat more raw foods. If you smoke, STOP! One pack a day can double or triple your chances of a heart attack.
Among the highest risk factors are male sex, age over 35, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, high levels of certain fats in your blood, and a family history of cardiovascular disease. Additional health factors that the above unhealthy habits can start in your body are high blood pressure, cholesterol problems, weight problems, and even worse cardiovascular problems.
1. Quit smoking if you do smoke and start on a low in fat diet of vegetables, fruits, and lower fat meats. This is an awesome start even you don't want to work out.
2.Even moderate exercise can help,tremendously, to make your heart stronger. 3-4 times a week on a treadmill at a brisk walk can help, or just walk. Light jogging a few times a week is good also.
3. Some aerobics exercises will go a long way towards a healthy heart. I am not talking about training for the Olympics here. Almost anybody can do a bit of aerobics, jogging, and or walking daily.
4. Mix your cardio training up daily. Take a brisk walk or jog the first day. Don't do too much. maybe walk a half mile each time you walk for a week. The next week extend it out to a mile. Keep doing this week to week. This would be the same with jogging or any aerobics exercises. I am not going to get into all the different aerobics exercises you can do. Just Google aerobic exercises and you will find tons of them.
5. The important thing is to do something different on a daily basis. Do the walking or jogging at least 3 times a week and then some form of aerobics 3 times a week with a day off. Don't do so much that you develop a lot of muscle soreness or you will quit. Just keep it simple. This is designed to get your heart rate elevated and working a bit. Increase distance and reps each week to 2 weeks. This will continue to keep muscle soreness away and will increase your heart's workload.

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Mixed Martial Arts for Weight Loss and Fitness

If planning to implement a routine to improve on your overall well-being and fitness you might want to research the available opportunities which can offer something a little more exciting than a standard gym session. Some of the more fun and existing methods to increase fitness levels and lose weight at the same time include judo, karate, kickboxing, boxing, or any of the other martial arts. In order to achieve the most impressive results from combining a martial art with weight loss, you really want to plan out a proper dietary plan. If a diet is combined with the proper nutrition, vitamins and minerals, then this can do a long way to achieving the ideal health improvements and results.
Achieve your weight loss goal
Using martial arts for achieving a desired loss in weight is generally related to the high-intensity of the many martial arts programs. A full work out following a preferred type of martial art can last 60-minutes per session, which will go a long way to burning a good number of calories per routine. If already active and hoping to find a way to lose weight fast, then a well-planned routine at a local gym might be the ideal route to take.
A personal trainer might instruct such martial art activities as kung fu aerobics, cardio kickboxing, and boxercise. Each of these safe, fun, and effective activities is designed to promote a highly effective cardio workout for weight loss and fitness.
Due to the increase in popularity of these safe, yet challenging training programs, it is becoming easier to purchase a wide range of DVDs devised by personal trainers to make these types of training programs more available to those that would prefer to complete their workout at home.
Helping to increase your level of fitness
Most of the marital arts programs, either gym or DVD based, offer a perfect opportunity to improve on your overall level of endurance and cardiovascular fitness. If able to abide by a high-quality drill and exercise plan, then this will also help with improving on muscle flexibility and strength. An effective cardiovascular workout is dependent on increasing the heart rate over a sufficient period of time, which can be easily be achieved by completing a regular martial arts training program.
Improving on the bodies overall flexibility is naturally achieved by taking part in martial arts,
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