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Friday, 17 August 2018

Surrender Meditation Provides An Assortment Of Fantastic Perks

By Kevin Hughes

Life can be jam packed with struggles and doubts. However, that can be changed dramatically simply by accepting the fact that having control over today and tomorrow is just a big illusion. From that moment on, your everyday living will surely begin to seem less anxious, stressful and laborious. If you want for that transformation to commence, all you need to do is regularly engage in surrender meditation.

Praying to the one you regard as a supreme being is how it's usually started. Afterwards, you just relax and quit wanting to change a lot of things in life according to your own vision. That's how simple it really is. To know more about the various perks to enjoy for meditating in a surrendering way as often as possible, read on.

Lowered stress levels. Most especially if you have tons of duties and responsibilities to carry out at home and the workplace, it's a must that you do everything you can to eliminate stress at the end of a tiring day or week. Failure to do so, experts say, can cause you to encounter different health complications, some of which can be life threatening.

Reduced aches and pains. It may sound unbelievable but stress can sometimes be responsible for your headaches, achy lower back, swollen knees and others. Doctors confirm that it's due to the fact that being stressed all the time can lead to inflammation. By meditating in a way that's surrendering, you can actually save yourself from the need to constantly take painkillers that are notorious for causing side effects. Inflammation, by the way, can wreak havoc to the various organs in time.

Lowered blood pressure. Constant stress and anxiety can cause your blood pressure to go above 120/80, which is regarded by doctors as the limit. When such happens, you are considered as someone who has high blood pressure. It is a well known medical fact that high blood pressure is a risk factor for heart disease, something that is touted by health experts as the leading cause of deaths globally.

Lesser anxiety attacks. Learning to accept that you really have no control over things in life that you believe you can influence can actually leave you feeling less anxious. As a result, both your mind and body can become more relaxed. Having fewer doubts and worries can keep you from feeling on the edge every single day.

Improved sleep at night. You will find it easier to enjoy 7 to 9 hours of shut eye if you're no longer as stressed and anxious. It is during a good night's sleep when your body and mind can be repaired intensively. According to experts, failure to get quality sleep each time can cause various health related issues to strike, and some of them include diabetes, hypertension, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease.

A happier life. Depression can become a thing of the past if you are no longer bugged by a lot of questions and fears in life. You will find it easier to steer clear of uncontrollable mood swings, extreme sadness and lack of interest in those you used to derive pleasure from. Your family members and friends will surely notice a glow coming from you.

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