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Saturday, 12 December 2015

Aspen CO Doctor Alleviates Gluten Sensitivity With Chiropractic

By Guy Stannard

It is difficult for someone with no medical training to understand how chiropractic adjustments can have an effect on gluten sensitivity. Consider the fact that the spine contains the spinal cord. From there all signals from the brain to the parts of your body are sent. Each nerve is located near a part of the spine. If that part is not in its correct alignment, as your Aspen CO Wellness Chiropractor will corroborate, it will have an effect on some aspect of bodily movement or function.

If you can think of your spine as being made up of different sections. Each section contains the nerves that direct a specific part of the body. For example, the thoracic nerves are in control of digestion. However, symptoms do not always correlate as expected.

It is the thoracic spine that has to do with your digestive system. The gluten intolerance affects each person in a slightly different way. Most have common digestive problems. Others have seemingly unrelated symptoms. The long list may include weakness, mental fog, joint inflammation, a skin rash and headaches including migraines.

It may take effort to discover and understand the symptoms of your gluten intolerance. You and your chiropractor will have to discuss details of your dietary habits, your pain and other health problems. He or she has the knowledge to understand your condition in spite of it being complicated. It can then be explained to you. You can rely on his or her analysis.

You might be asked to record everything you eat. A record should also be kept to note when your health problems flare up. You may want to start on a gluten-free diet to help with the pain.

At the same time, adjustments can be made to the thoracic spine to see what effect that has on your symptoms. A careful record of that can be gauged against the information in the food diary. It may be difficult, but with the knowledge your chiropractor has at his or her disposal, you may find all the answers to restoring good health.

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