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Thursday 26 November 2015

See Why Pasco County Low Back Pain Relief Is Closer Than You Think

By Lyndon Zerna

Lumbago, or low back pain, is common, especially for individuals who earn a living doing physical labor. Lifting heavy objects, twisting, and sudden movements can cause injuries that restrict movement or cause painful muscle spasms. With Pasco County chiropractic care, patients can eliminate pain and improve overall health and quality of life.

Some patients with lumbago experience shooting pains down the legs. Other patients may only feel discomfort in a specific area of the back. Injuries may involve any part of the spine, including vertebral discs, nerves, muscles, tendons, ligaments, or joints. This sometimes makes it difficult for medical professionals to isolate the root cause of a patient's back pain.

The amount of pain is not an accurate indicator of the severity of the damage. Some people experience excruciating pain after relatively mild injuries such as pulled muscles. On the other hand, a herniated disc may go undetected because the patient does not have any noticeable symptoms.

Chiropractors provide individualized care because no two patients are alike. Patients with the same type of injury may react completely different to the same healing method. Addressing a patient's mental outlook and lifestyle choices can help overcome certain psychological or emotional factors that may contribute to the pain.

Manual spinal manipulation and mobilization are two techniques used by chiropractors to provide pain relief. They also address other aspects of the patient's life. They help patients incorporate diet and exercise programs that improve overall health.

You do not have to rely on potentially dangerous drugs or risky surgery for relief from back pain. A chiropractor can offer alternative ways to restore movement and improve overall health. Contact a local chiropractor to discuss your options.

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