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Saturday, 13 December 2014

How Oral Appliance Therapy Provides Relief To Locals Suffering From Insomnia

By Jason Kordobu

Insomnia has serious adverse consequences in the professional and social situations of those who suffer from it. Sometimes it has a psychological basis, but where it is caused by Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) or habitual snoring, it can be curtailed by the use of oral appliance therapy, as administered by Chicago insomnia care practitioners.

Snoring is traditionally the subject of jokes or bitter reprimands. The reality is that nobody appreciates it, and it has been clinically proven to cause significant disruption to other peoples' sleeping patterns, or merely that of the snorer. It is, however, something that can be alleviated through the application of specially designed equipment.

Oral appliance therapy or OA therapy is the deployment of these appliances into the airway of the user to reduce or eliminate the symptoms and enable better or uninterrupted sleep. The equipment does not cause irreversible effects and is lightweight and portable.

Its operation is achieved through several physical consequences. Firstly, it causes the muscles of the lower jaw (mandible) and tongue to gain in strength. Secondly, it makes them more stable. Third, it improves their positioning.

OAs come in two primary varieties. The mandibular repositioning option restrains the mandible and tongue by pulling them forward, so that the jaw protrudes. The tongue retaining version, on the other hand, pulls the tongue to the front of the mouth. Both techniques maintain an open airway and stop the tongue from blocking the throat. Normal breathing is therefore possible on a sustained basis.

Sleep apnea is a traumatic experience and causes emotional anxiety. Snoring is associated with embarrassment and social derision. Both of these conditions lead to tiredness and impaired functioning. OA therefore provides a more optimistic outlook than sleepless nights.

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