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Saturday, 4 October 2014

Signs That Your Green Coffee Extract Is Of Great Quality

By Kyle Edenfield

With obesity rates soaring up the roof these days, it comes as no surprise why a lot of people are looking for that magic supplement that will give them the body they've been craving for. Today, among the most highly talked about supplement is that from green coffee. So why would you want to buy green coffee extract anyway? If you've been watching the Dr. Oz show, you'd be amazed with the reasons.

While there is some truth behind caffeine's weight-loss capabilities, the real powerhouse responsible for shedding those extra pounds is the antioxidant known as chlorogenic acid. Also known as green coffee antioxidant (GCA), chlorogenic acid can effectively reduce the body's absorption of glucose and fat, thereby promoting weight loss. It is also able to give you a feeling of fullness longer and more stable energy levels.

Green coffee beans are nothing really new - they are simply your regular coffee beans that did not go through the roasting process. Since they are not roasted, it packs a lot of those fat-busting chlorogenic acid that the roasting process takes away. Based on the experiment conducted by Dr. Oz, a person who took the extract lost an average of 2 pounds each week.

If are looking to buy green coffee extract supplements, one important factor to consider is the percentage of chlorogenic acid it contains. Based on the study conducted by Dr. Oz, the chlorogenic acid content should be no lower than 45 percent. Keep in mind that Dr. Oz did not recommend any particular brand, so any product claiming so should be avoided completely.

You must also carefully check the labeling before you buy green coffee extract. There must be a listing of ingredients used in the manufacturing of the product and there must not be any trace of fillers, additives, or artificial preservatives. Keep in mind that there are some manufacturers claiming that their product is made from pure green coffee even though it's not. It is still best to purchase reputable brands.

The minimum dosage for each capsule of green coffee extract should be 400mg. It is also not unusual to come across products that provide as much as 800mg per serving. The ideal time for taking this supplement is 30 minutes before your main meals. It is also important to remember that you should drink plenty of water throughout the day as this also helps significantly in the weight-loss process.

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, you should not buy green coffee extract because the safety of its consumption hasn't been fully verified yet. The same goes for people who are below 18 years of age. And as with any other type of supplements, it is always best that you consult with your doctor first before you buy green coffee extract.

Come to think of it, wouldn't it be nice to just buy green coffee extract and instantly shed off those extra pounds? The thing is, no one should just depend on a particular supplement if a healthy reduction of weight is desired. No matter how effective a product claims to be, always remember to still have a healthy diet and regular exercise if you want to get the best results possible.

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