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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Instead Of Pain Medication Chiropractic Adjustments Help Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In Anchorage AK

By Mark Marabut

There are thick nerves that run down the back of each leg called sciatic nerves. When they are inflamed the condition is referred to as sciatica. South Anchorage chiropractic provides pain alleviation for this disorder.

The pain can be felt on the back of the leg and not only the leg, but the foot and toes may hurt. Rather than a shooting pain, it may be felt as an ongoing ache. It can be attributed to remaining seated in one position for a long period of time. Sometimes the cause is strenuous exercise or a pinched nerve in the back.

The actual site of the irritation may be the lower back. A shooting pain begins there and extends down the leg. Chiropractic care to relieve that pain does not rely on medication, either prescription or over-the-counter. Many people prefer to avoid taking pain killers for sciatica.

Instead, a chiropractor will locate the nerve that is irritated and proceed to relieve the pressure, thus alleviating the pain. When a vertebra, one of the bones in the spinal column, is out of place it is called a subluxation. Manual adjustments are used to correct that misalignment.

Numbness occurs frequently. The cause of this is varied. That is why care begins with a thorough evaluation of your condition. Questions are asked and answered and a physical examination is conducted. An x-ray may be ordered.

When the assessment is completed, a care plan will be mapped out. The accepted care includes a series of gentle adjustments. Mild exercises may be recommended to stretch the muscles as a way to maintain improvement. The pain will be alleviated. Each individual improves at his or her own rate.

South Anchorage chiropractic assesses the situation as each individual seeking pain relief is different. Once the cause is identified a plan for care that reduces the shooting pain, the ache and the numbness can be designed. The hope of returning to work and enjoying a good quality of life can be realized.

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