There are three different main ways to get a bigger butt. Others emphasize on exercising, others surprisingly on eating. Which of these ways suits for you depends much on your genetics. First of all you have to get the clear vision of your goals, are you just after a bigger bottom or do you want a toned big butt?
1. Way to get a big butt: Eating
This is the most easiest and perhaps the most obvious. When you eat more than you consume, your body starts to gather fat around the body. Here is the catch though, it depends on your body type and genetics where the fat gathers. If you are one of those persons, who's body starts to gather the fat around your booty first then this is an option for you. Simply eat more than you consume. But if you are one of those people who's body starts to gather the fat all-around the body, or in some other places first then this is not for you. Those who get bigger butt by eating can of course do exercising with weights to firm up their big butt!
2. Way to get a big butt: Having one by genes
Some people just seem to have it, big butt by genes. These people have big butts naturally, even though they were not eating "too much". These people just have it. No matter what they do, they also can't get rid of it. Then again, they can exercise to firm up their booty too.
3. Way to get a big butt: Exercising
This method is my personal favorite, since it is the only which you can really affect yourself. There are many different butt exercises which can be done, some working better than others. Best way to get more size and firm up your booty is to exercise with weights. Resistance is the key for any muscle building and getting a big butt is not any different from this. This to be said, I can't promise to everyone a really big butt instantly it is hard work to get your glutes growing, but truly not impossible!
So actually there is only one healthy way to get a bigger butt, or to firm up your bigger butt and that is exercising. Not everybody can have huge butt through exercising, but everyone can surely have bigger and rounder butt. Only thing you need to do is just start exercising.
Author of this article and sites such as Exercises for butt [] has over 15 years of experience in different sports, including 7 years of martial-arts and over 10 years of weightlifting.
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