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Thursday, 16 January 2014

Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pinched Nerves In Dallas GA Residents

By Kurt Saniel

Pinched nerves may occur in many different parts of one's body. They are generally caused by a bony impingement, tight muscles or a bulging or herniated disc. A Dallas GA pain management chiropractor offers therapy to relieve the pressure from the nerve. This allows natural healing to occur and often brings an end to the painful sensations related to the problem.

Symptoms associated with a pinched nerve may not occur at the injury's location. Nerves that are pinched in one's neck may cause problems in the arm that mimic those caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. In one's lower back, the condition can affect the foot, leg or hip. Chiropractic doctors provide therapy to relieve the problem by helping to relax muscles, reposition bones or relieve pressure resulting in the pinch.

Generally, these conditions are caused by other tissues in one's body. For example, bony impingements place pressure on the nerves as they pass through the joints. In the spine, discs bulge or become herniated pinching nerves as they exit the spinal column. Muscles become tight around a nerve, irritating it and resulting in problems.

Chiropractors use a conservative approach. They do not rely on surgery, invasive techniques or drugs. This eliminates the risks one would associate with these invasive procedures, while allowing the body to heal and putting an end to one's suffering.

A pinched nerve usually indicates a trifold problem. In addition to the pinched nerve, the individual is likely experiencing a bone that is out of place. The condition also causes the muscles to tighten. For healing to occur, chiropractors work to resolve all the problems.

When an individual experiences problems, including pinched nerves, a Dallas GA pain management chiropractor offers help. The non-invasive therapy helps to restore the body to health. Removing pressure from the nerve allows the body's natural healing ability to reduce the suffering associated with this condition.

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