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Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sugar Addicts Can Achieve Fast Weight Loss

By Harold C. Rehm

Are you sugar addicted? You are not alone!I used to be intensely sugar addicted. I craved it all the time, and it seems like the more I ate, the more I wanted it. The fact that it made me feel terrible - first I'd feel the high and then I'd crash and feel spaced out - didn't faze me. I wanted my sugar. Just before I started to clean up my diet in my early 20s, I lived with my aunt, and I used to sneak frozen cake from her freezer - little pieces at a time, hoping she wouldn't notice![]

Unfortunately, sugar addiction is likely the reason that Dr. Jon Robison, nutritionist Linda Bacon (author of Health At Every Size), and most other obesity researchers, agree that eliminating junk food from one's diet promotes long-term weight gain and/or dangerous eating disorders. Research shows that dietary restrictions result in 95 to 98 percent of people regaining ALL lost weight. In fact, within five years, 33 to 66 percent of people regain to higher weights!Fortunately, ground-breaking discoveries about the causes of obesity have led to 100% natural, permanent weight loss solutions (e.g. Sophy's Secrets), which even work for sugar addicts.The above recent discoveries show that sugar addicts can only achieve long-term weight loss by: 1) maintaining a low carb/sugar/chemical diet (i.e. low devitalized/acid waste/"obesogen" diet), and reducing exposure to environmental toxins (e.g. "carcinogens" found in cleaning products that make indoor air up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air), OR 2) eating whatever you want while regularly removing dietary and environmental toxins from the body and consuming fat-burning minerals that refined sugar has leached from the body.Such detoxification and nutrient replenishment is as simple as consuming capsules of herbal intestinal cleansers, tonic (i.e. bidirectional), liquified herbs, oxygenated water, and "subtle-energized" minerals as well as sniffing certain essential oils and replacing toxic household cleaners with a multipurpose one that's completely nontoxic yet highly effective.

In the 1900s, the average American consumed 5 pounds of (natural/mildly addictive) sugar per year and few people were obese or had any of the chronic diseases prevalent today. By 1990, the average American consumed 109 pounds of (refined/artificial/highly addictive) sugar per year and by 2010, that figure was 150 pounds.A 2008 report stated that Princeton University scientists were able to induce withdrawal symptoms in rats by taking away their sugar/sucrose supply. Symptoms included anxiety, teeth chattering, unusual reluctance to explore their environment, and increased interest in consuming alcohol. After the rats were denied sugar for a prolonged period, the researchers found the rats worked harder to obtain it and consumed more than ever before.Refined sugar is so addictive because it's a pure chemical (i.e. a drug); its chemical formula is C12H22011. Unsurprisingly, the chemical structure for refined sugar is very similar to alcohol (C2H5OH). As with all drug addictions, the addict must take increasingly greater amounts of the drug to obtain desired effects. Over time, withdrawal symptoms for highly addictive drugs become more severe when the brain doesn't receive a "hit" for a prolonged period of time.

It is unrealistic to expect a sugar addiction to go away without learning how to fill that inner emptiness with love - the love that is always available to us from our spiritual source. So learning how to love yourself is vital to healing a sugar addiction and other addictions.The Physical Cause.The physical cause of a sugar addiction is about what is going on in your digestive system. If you have more beneficial intestinal flora than harmful flora, then you have a healthy gut and likely don't crave sugar. Unfortunately, there are many things in our modern society that destroy the healthy bacteria, leaving us vulnerable to the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria.Some of what destroys healthy bacteria:Processed foods are exactly what the term implies - they are not natural. Because they have been refined, many of the nutrients the body needs are destroyed, and unhealthy food-like products have been added, such as sugar, GMO-grown foods, heated oils which are extremely toxic for our bodies, preservatives, colors, and so on. All of these destroy beneficial flora.

Man-made chemicals compromise the body's fat-burning biochemical mechanisms so only 100% natural substances can reverse the dramatic rise in America's sugar-induced rise in obesity rates. Like those for alcohol and many pharmaceuticals, white sugar withdrawal symptoms include lack of motivation, irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, inconsistency in thoughts and actions, and emotional outbursts. Refined sugar has what alternative obesity researchers call a "two-hour cycle."Basically, sugar addicts need to eat sugar about every two hours or they'll start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. That's probably the true reason healthcare professionals (conventional and nontraditional) advise their clients to eat something every 2-3 hours. There is no credible scientific evidence that such constant eating significantly benefits health. However, it's the advice sugar addicts want to hear. For most of humanity's history, people were hunter/gatherers or farmers. Everyone worked hard all day long and ate one large, evening meal.Two centuries ago, eating three or more times a day was a luxury only the wealthy could afford. In the early 1900s, Western societies began accommodating a large middle class and members of this class began eating not only dinner, but also breakfast and lunch. However, human DNA/genes evolved on a one-meal-a-day diet, which enables the body to rest from food digestion and efficiently engage in repairing its biochemical mechanisms. With a sufficient amount of protein and saturated fat in one's diet, eating one meal a day should not involve significantly noticeable hunger signals.

Most people are not aware that they are addicted to sugar. However, they will quickly come to that realization if they ever try to go a few days without it. And if you have herpes, then you know too much sugar will only make your symptoms worse.Consuming too much sugar is not good for your body at all. It will lower your immune system, mess with your blood sugar levels and also lead to excess weight gain. Although you most likely won't be able to eliminate sugar from your diet completely, here are a few tips to reduce your intake dramatically.

Getting sugar addiction help is a little easier now that low carb diets are so popular but still a difficult undertaking on the best of days. Like true addicts, we all enjoy the occasional sweet treats that ruin our diets. If you have a problem with sugar chances are that the first place it will show up is in your waistline. Of course that isn't the only place that sugar can take it's toll on your body.Not all Addictions are Created Equal.Some addictions to sugar are more difficult to manage than others. Not everyone is equipped with the will power necessary to walk away from the sweet rewards that sometimes make life worth living.

Leads to Hormone Imbalances - Refined sugar elevates Leptin, Ghrelin, Insulin, and Cortisol Levels. Too much Leptin and Ghrelin = increased appetite; too much Insulin and Cortisol = Stored FAT. This hormonal abnormality is linked to heart disease and affects 10 to 20 percent of women in their lifetimes. In spite of a low-calorie diet, people with this metabolism-lowering condition find it easier to gain weight and harder to lose it.Increases Appetite - A high-fat meal can provide energy for 16 or more hours while a high-sugar meal provides energy for only about 2 hours. Thus, a person must consume many more calories throughout a 24-hour period to maintain adequate energy levels.Lowers Energy - Refined sugar provides a short-term boost in energy. However, the body quickly releases Insulin, which rapidly lowers blood sugar levels, causing a sharp drop in energy and endurance. Refined sugar makes blood thick and sticky, reducing oxygen to cells, and inhibiting much of the blood flow into the minute capillaries that supply gums and teeth with vital nutrients. Also, reduced blood flow deprives mitochondria (the body's energy factories) of its preferred energy source - oxygen. Mitochondria can burn sugar for energy but then cells lose protection from bad bacteria and fungi, which cannot live in high-oxygen environments. In fact, Dr. Tullio Simoncini says cancer cells are simply human cells that have been invaded by fungi. He is the author of Cancer is a Fungus.Disrupts Brain Chemistry in a Way that Creates Cravings for Refined Sugar - Refined sugar affects the brain in a similar manner as narcotics. A person can become addicted to sugar's stimulation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, opioid, and dopamine. The brain becomes increasingly unable to properly regulate hormones that control appetite and stimulate FAT burning.In general, the body craves refined sugar every two hours. If it's consumed, the mineral-leaching. immune-system-weakening. acid-waste-creating.disease-promoting.hormone-imbalancing. appetite FAT-storing.Refined Sugar Two-Hour Cycle begins again.Fortunately, the metabolic disturbances created by refined sugar can be reversed with 100% natural products (e.g. Sophy's Secrets ) that detoxify the body and replenish its nutritional reserves. Unfortunately, few people know about these products because highly effective, uncontaminated (i.e. no chemical toxins) weight loss products tend to be developed and manufactured by small, private firms and sold (usually online) through personal recommendations.

Dr. Paula F. Baillie-Hamilton explained that chemical toxins [including sucrose] are the likely cause of America's skyrocketing obesity rates, in her ground-breaking 2002 Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine report "Chemical Toxins: A Hypothesis to Explain the Global Obesity Epidemic."Moreover, Dr. Joyce Marshall has compellingly challenged the allopathic medicine standard that that acute and chronic illnesses are caused by external microorganisms, which must be eliminated with toxic pharmaceuticals. In her 1997 article "The Germ Theory of Disease Is One of the False Foundations of Modern Medicine," she stated that micro-organisms are "pleomorphic" (i.e. they evolve/change form), changing from beneficial microbes within the body to harmful ones as a person consistently consumes devitalized food (i.e. a dead organic matter/refined carbs).According to Dr. Marshall's article, obesity and chronic illnesses can be overcome by maintaining a "pure bloodstream, free unimpeded circulation of all body fluids, and unobstructed excretion.The key point is that it is the diseased toxemic condition, where the body is overwhelmed with poisonous waste, which creates an environment favorable to the mutation of [internal] bacteria into those commonly associated with particular diseases."Many people in the general public still believe the recently discredited conventional medicine fallacy that DNA/genes cause obesity and chronic illness. However, this may soon change as many conventional medical researchers now accept Dr. Bruce Lipton's declarations that DNA/genes cannot produce disease-promoting proteins unless they are adversely affected by environmental factors.

If you are truly interested in receiving sugar addiction help then you should give some serious thought to NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotherapy or some combination of the two. The reason is that the hardest battle is the mental battle. You must literally change the way you think about food and sugar in order to have a successful diet of any kind. When you can begin to think of food as fuel for the body rather than some sort of treat or sweet reward, then you can begin to really enjoy sweet success of another kind all together.How does NLP help with a sugar problem? Because it addresses the problem specifically without wasting time analyzing the "why". Sometimes you can get so caught up in why you eat too much sugar that you forget to emphasize why you should not. NLP is about training your mind to behave in a new way. In this instance it would be to train your mind to avoid craving sugary foods and drinks that are bad for your health and your diet.

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