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Sunday, 26 May 2013

A Healthier Alternative Called A Fake Suntan

By Haywood Hunter

Before, the beach would be crowded with sunbathers who wanted to get a darker complexion. Today, one will not see as many sunbathers as before because of the growing awareness of the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays that come from the sun. Nowadays, people have become more aware of their health and have switched to getting a fake suntan instead.

These days, many people have come up with products or services that allow one to tan himself without going under the sun. Getting a fake suntan is actually much safer as compared to getting a real one because there is no risk of being exposed to ultraviolet or UV rays. So for frequent sunbathers who want an alternative, here are some tips on how to have a good fake suntan.

Of course salons are known to provide this type of service to willing costumers. They would usually charge based on which body part will be tanned and how dark the tan will be. They usually use a technique called airbrushing where in they use a special type of spray that contains a certain substance that will turn the skin into a nice shade of bronze.

Of course not everyone will want to pay for this kind of service which is why self tanning products were invented. When doing a fake suntan, one must first buy the tanning cream and moisturizer. Mix some of the tanning cream with the moisturizer and use it on the face and the neck area first.

When the face is done, the rest of the body will also follow. One must make sure to take a bath and shave before attempting to do the fake suntan process. While bathing, it is always very important to use some body scrub and exfoliating soap so that the body will be moisturized before the self tanner hits it.

Not everyone feels comfortable using creams and ointments because there might be some side effects to it. For those who are worried about these effects, there is a way a still have that fake suntan but without the creams and such. The only thing one has to do is to boil some tea, mix it with some sesame oil, and apply it on the body. Since tea has natural darkening effects, this is guaranteed to work.

Now there will definitely be times where in one will make a mistake while doing a fake suntan. When this happens, do not fret because it is not something that cannot be remedied. If the tan is way too dark, all one must do is to simply apply some toothpaste or lotion on the affected areas and wait a few days for the color to lighten.

So if one would want to get a tan and also save her skin, the best thing to do would be to have a fake suntan. This is no doubt that getting a fake suntan is better because of its lower risk. Too much ultraviolet rays may cause skin cancer which is why sunbathers have to stop staying in the sun too much.

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