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Monday, 22 April 2013

Information On Racing Horse Trainers

By Alyssa Riggs

In sports, regular practice and training is very essential to every sportsperson. There are many types of sports in the world. Most of them are very interesting and especially the creature racing but this will change from one person. These animals are taught how to compete with others by professions. The racing horse trainers supervise and take good care of the horses to ensure they are well set to compete.

There are professionals that supervise their feeding and the daily conditioning of the horses. The creatures must be fed a balanced diet to keep it strong. The animals are also fed on a routine to ensure they do not grow excess fat and wait which can make them fail them to win competitions. Healthy ones do perform the best.

These experts should however be familiar with some first aid tips to be done to the animals in case of minor injuries. Therefore they should be knowledgeable about the equine anatomy and physiology. These trainers are the planners of workouts, using the condition book to the animals in the appropriate race. They have a duty to advice the jockey, the person riding the animal on strategies to use to win a competition. It is also the duty of an expert to supervise the stable employees.

These experts are hired by the owners and thus they should involve them in all matters concerning the animals. The owner at all times should know the health progress of an animal. If one is found doing that, he or she can be fined or jailed and suspended from competing till the board decides on the matter.

Some work for six days while others work for seven days a week. This means that an expert ought to be available in case of an emergency. This ensures that the horses are well catered for. Experts are thus in a position to discharge their duties efficiently. These professionals should work with a breed at a time. Though, they can deal with several breeds.

A qualified and experienced person can get a job anywhere in the world. No academic papers are required in this field. Most aspiring professions work out their way to the top. You start from a hot worker, exercise rider or groom later you seek apprenticeship with an experienced person to learn more about the business.

From state to state, the professions should be licensed by the sport commission. The commission is interested to know if you have the knowledge of competitions regulations, terminologies and general skills through practical and written exams administered by the sport officials. These experts also do offer training on the young animals to keep them fit and strong.

Payment is through commission and is ten percent of money worn during a competition by a horse under your care. Other cost charged are for medication, food of a creature and the money to pay the employees. These animals are expensive to buy hence to take of them is also expensive. The racing horse trainers are important.

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