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Thursday, 28 March 2013

Beginner's Guide to Bigger Muscles

A toned physique is a result of unflinching determination towards a regime of regular and rigorous training, eating healthy, eating right and appropriate supplementation. However before one begins a regime for body building it is very important to know the following:
  • Medical fitness qualifying you to take on the required nature exercise.
  • The right way to starting it.
  • The right way to exercise.
  • When, how and how much.
  • What is your aim, what specific part of your body are you looking at developing or are you looking for a fully toned physique.
7 Muscle Groups in Order of Importance
1. The Deltoids
  • Significance-this muscle group helps give a V- shape to the upper torso. Deltoids when worked upon to make the upper body look much larger than it actually is. They make the shoulders look broader.
  • Exercise- side laterals with weight/dumbbell and front raises with weight / dumbbells.
2. The Chest
  • Muscle group- Pectorals including Pectoralis Major and Pectoralis Minor
  • Significance-this muscle group helps add bulk to the front upper body.
  • Exercise- Bench press and Bench press with narrow grip for inner pectorals.
3. The Trapezius
  • Significance - Larger and more muscular shoulders; thicken neck thereby making the overall appearance larger; and give V shape of the upper body.
  • Exercises- Standing barbell press, and military press.
4. The Latissimus Dorsi
  • Significance - Back development and Contribute to V shape of the body
  • Exercise - pull ups
5. The Triceps
  • Significance - Comprise of two thirds of upper arm so give more bulk than biceps to arm. Also contribute to chest work out since exercises are mostly same.
  • Exercises - Triceps extension and Bench press with narrow grip.
6. The Biceps
  • Significance - Bulky arms
  • Exercises - Barbell Curl; Alternate Hammer Curl; and Alternate Incline Dumbbell Curl
7. The Abdominals
  • Significance - Give a toned belly and bring whole body together.
  • Exercise- Crunches
The Right Way to Body Building
  • Progressively increase weights lifted and progressively increase repetitions. While following up a regime what helps add bulk to a muscle is setting up higher standards of resistance and stress to it by adding greater weight. The safe and right way to do it is by increasing weights progressively. Failing to do so might result in an injury.
  • Eat at least 1 gm of Protein/ Pound of Bodyweight. The stress that the body undergoes in addition to the addition in body bulk makes greater protein intake advisable.
  • Adequate Good Sleep. Seven to nine hours of sleep both followed by and following a high protein diet.
  • Be positive. Important towards goal attainment and towards feeling good which reflects on health and motivation.
  • Manage Stress to avoid a negative vicious cycle which would not allow you to relax or to grow.
  • Include Aerobics. Important for muscle growth. Helps burn fat, remove waste by products and transport the nutrients and oxygen to where they are required.
  • Include Fats. Essential Fatty Acids and Omega 3.
  • Avoid Overtraining. By limiting sessions to forty five minutes or less, good sleep, gradual weight increase, occasional layoffs.
  • Use Supplements. These should be a part of the diet and certainly not be the diet itself.
  • Avoid injury.
A healthy toned body is everyone's dream and what is important is that one can easily work towards realizing it. Bigger muscles could do a lot for your confidence besides just improving your health and looks. Here's where you are going to find a step by step tutorial on a body building workout and how to get bigger muscles. Towards realizing your dreams visit us at